My life before the crash

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As I lay there not moving my leg is bleeding like crazy. It hurts like a knife stabbed into my leg. As I lay here I cant help but think about my old life. Living in Vctoria,British colombia everything was fine. I had food a huge house and all I could want. I also had a mom a dad and a sister named elzibith. Elzibth is only 15 only one year younger than me. I miss Elizebth. We had tons of fun in victoria. Our dad would take us to the forest to hunt. Elizbeth was preety good but I was always a little bit better. I cant help but think about food. As I think about food I notice that there is a deer muching on some leaves. I creep up on the dear hoping he wont see me and throw a speer from the saftey survival kit that a took once the pilot said that were going to carsh. I aim the speer at the deers body and pull back my arm and through the speer.It hits the deer and the deer falls down dead. I start a fire with the sticks on the ground it takes about 20 minutes but i finally get it. I throw deer on top of the fire and let it cook while I go grab some berry's in the forest. As I come back I take the deer of the fire and start eating him with the berry's I picked. That was a nice lunch but it would of been better with family. I use the deer bones for wepons for later to hunt again. I look up at the clouds floating around. So big and beatufal. I get up and notice its getting hot out so I put out the fire and lay back down again. I look on the other side of my little camp and see a path and I decided to follow it to hope to find some water.

Above the Rocky'sOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora