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Heyyy guys,
Hope you all are doing good. So this is the end. Guys, The story won't have an epilogue because it needs a subtle end. Epilogue would only be just an unwanted extension. All the needed content is here in this part. 😊


Flashback continues....

3 months later

"I think I am hopelessly in love with Laksh, Ragini. I am not able to think of anything except him. " Srishti confessed her love in front of her best friend unknown of the  fact that Ragini and Laksh were already together.

Laksh and Ragini had managed to keep their relationship hidden  as they didn't want unnecessary drama in the office.

In other words, mixing personal and professional life was certainly not their cup of tea.

Listening to Srishti, Ragini's eyes came out of socket. The words were something she never wanted to listen.

"What are you saying? You like mo...nkey? " Ragini stuttered.

"Hey, it's not just a mere liking but love. I am thinking to propose him the next week. I know he will not turn down my proposal because I think he likes me too."
Srishti said lost in her dream.

"What makes you think that? " Ragini asked holding onto a tear which could pass out of her eye any moment.

"He just keeps looking towards our desk. Offcourse, your terms with him would not make him look at you with so much of love. So it's quite obvious. "

"Aah-- I think I should leave. I have to take my brother to his skating classes. Bye. " Ragini jumped out of her seat and left without even glancing at Laksh who found her behaviour quite unusual. He stood up and silently followed her.

"She misunderstood the scene very badly. Should I talk about this to Laksh Or should reveal my relationship to Srishti? " Ragini was probably fearing the love triangle and continued to talk with herself.

"Heyy.. What's wrong? " The soothing and concerned voice of Laksh reached her ears.

She turned to look at Laksh who was worried about her immediate exit.

"No..othing. Why are you asking like this? " Ragini acted quite well.

"You just came out in hurry. So.. I thought to check if everything was fine. " Laksh said making Ragini break into a cute smile.

"I am fine. Actually, I have to leave for my house. It's urgent. " Ragini said lieing to him for the first time.

"You sure? "

"Oh yes. Don't worry."

"Alright. So? A Bye hug maybe? " Laksh asked opening his arms towards her. Ragini chuckled and hugged him tightly finding a bit of peace in his embrace.

"I love you. "

"I love you too. "

"See you tomorrow morning. "

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