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       After a full day at the dreadful school for princes and princess, CERISE FANG; her two best friends; and her two significant others had finally managed to track down were they were keeping Fairy Godmother wand

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       After a full day at the dreadful school for princes and princess, CERISE FANG; her two best friends; and her two significant others had finally managed to track down were they were keeping Fairy Godmother wand. The wand was mere reason that their parents agreed to send them. Except, that wasn't fully true in Cerise case. The Shewolf's father, Remus Fang, also more commonly know as the Big Bad Wolf, had sent her to truly have better life; to have the life that Ben and his parents so cruelly robbed from her. All Cerise's father wanted to see was his little wolf happy, preferably reunited with her mother and her baby sister. The little sister that Cerise noir her own father got to know. Never got to hear her sister's first words, see her first steps, and missed all too much. Cerise barley remembers the day she and her father were forced into the gates of the Isle of the Lost; her dad says it because she suppressed it all. But, she honestly doesn't really know what that means. Doesn't know if she really wants to know or remember what happened to her in the past.

      The five villain kids were running through the dark pitch black night towards the direction of the old museum that housed many great items of the past. The museum was an old structure. Yet, it was hardly imposing, and it really wasn't all that impressive. It was just big. Big and boring looking. The security didn't seem all that either. Thought, Cerise supposed that all of the people of Aurdon brought into that rather stupid idea that if all of the supposed Villains were locked away on the Isle of the Lost, then no one would do something as evil as stealing from the museum. It was stupid in her honest opinion.

   "Check your mirror." Mal ordered Evie. Which caught the blue haired girl off guard.

  "Is my mascara smudged?" Evie worried as she looked at the mirror in a vast panic. Cerise rolled her eyes in annoyance. She shot her girlfriend a look.

  "Yes." Cerise said sarcastically. "And hey E, while you're at it, why don't you see if you can find us the wand?" Cerise added.

     "Sure. This way." Called Evie as she shot her best friend a narrow look of annoyance. A look that Cerise returned. They slowly approached a door with windows. Through the windows they could barley make out the famous spinning wheel, Maleficent's spinning wheel to be exact, and an old security guard, who was looking at some of the computer monitors. On some of the security guard's monitors, he could see the the Mad Hatter's hat, the famous rose from Beauty and the Beast, the trident of King Triton, Aladdin's lamp, Cinderella's small glass slipper, and some stuff that Cerise didn't recognize. Cerise and the villain kids had to quickly duck down as the guard almost turned around to see them. When they all looked back, it seemed as they were temporarily in the clear. She glanced around the room and immediately looked at the spinning wheel again.

    "That's your mothers spinning wheel?" Jay teasingly asked his purple haired girlfriend.

   "Yeah, it's kinda dorky." Carlos agreed. Jay, Carlos and Cerise laughed as they stared at the very not threatening spinning wheel.

   "No offense, but I gotta agree with the boys on that, love. It really does look kinda dorky." Cerise tells her girlfriend.

    "It's magic. It doesn't have to look scary." Mal defended as she let out a little annoyed huff. Mal then looked down in her spell book for a spell.

  "Magic spindle do not linger. Make my victim prick a finger." She said, but nothing happened.

   "Quite impressive." Jay said with a bored expression. Cerise elbowed him in the ribs and shot him a dirty look. He just grinned innocently causing both of his girlfriends to roll their eyes in utter annoyance.

     "I got chills." Carlos added.

   "Okay, you know what?" Mal said, clearly annoyed with them.

   "Prick a finger, prick it deep. Send my enemy off to sleep." She said another spell. The guard got up and pricked his finger and then slowly fell asleep. Mal seemed rather relieved that it finally worked. And, the boys seemed to have an impressed look on their faces

    "Not so dorky now, huh?" She asked really smugly as she stared up at her boyfriend. He just grinned and kissed her as if that answered his question.

   "It works, but it's still kinda dorky." Cerise teased. Which made Mal rolled her eyes. Cerise tried to open the door, but it didn't even so much as budge. It was locked up tightly.

     " Of course, it's locked!" Deadpanned Cerise annoyedly.

   "Stand back." Jay said while taking a few steps backwards. Mal started looking through her spell book in order to find a spell that could open the door. Cerise rolled eyes and shook her head. Cerise grabbed him before roughly pushing past him. She grabbed the door handles before forcing the door open with all of her pure werewolf strength.  "Right! You have werewolf strength, how could I forget about that?" He said in amazement. Mal just shook her head as she walked past him and Carlos.

     They sneaked past the guard and started running around the halls, trying to find were exactly the Fairy Godmother's wand was. But, instead the group of villain kids found something completely different then the wand. They found two galleries; one of the heroes and one of villains. Cerise glanced into the hall of heroes and saw something painfully familiar. It was thin scarlet figure with silky golden locks and piercing blue eyes; it was her mother stature. Cerise suddenly felt everything within her freeze. Made her feel absolutely sick to the core.

   "Mommy?" Cerise asked with a little voice as she stared up the statue. She just couldn't. Cerise couldn't be here any longer. Couldn't steal the Fairy Godmother wand without finding her mom and sister. Couldn't managed to confront her pass quite yet. She just had to get out of there.

   Cerise staggered backwards in a massive fright. Everything was becoming hard to breath, and her chest felt a sharp pain roaring within itself; She was having a bad panic attack. The worst she had in many years. She had to ran out of the hall heroes, and completely ran into Evie as she tried to escape everything that was triggering her downward spiral. The blue haired princess stared at the Shewolf with sheer concern as she saw the girl's glossy eyes, and pain that was twisting all of Cerise's delicate features.

     " I'm fine. You guys can go on without me. I need to go for run..." she states and doesn't stick around to explain herself.  she couldn't just breathe without fear sticking down in her stomach and spreading anxiety to her very core. She quickly had to run into the near by forest before she strips down and shifts into her wolf form. She ran deeper into the forest under the full moon.

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