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Taeyong pulled the brunettes tie closer so their lips would meet, Jaenyun chuckled patting his six months pregnant baby husbands baby bump as he left for work that morning, Taeyong blushed waving at him from the door step. Jaehyun had been spoiling him ever since that day, the man was sometimes a little stressed out yet kissable. Locking the door he slowly got down the front steps to go to the closets store, Donghyuck had promised to join him on his way and he sure did. 

"She's a markure isnt she?' taeyong giggled poking Sarangs chubby cheeks.

"Talk about the two draining me out, Man Mark is such a bad cat!! Oof! He pretends he's been starving all day without it." The brunette sighed at his boyfriends best friend as they sat a cafe.

"You mean draining out your milk?" The faded blue haired boy confusedly asked playing with the golden haired baby girl squealing with a pacifier in her plump mouth.

"Yeah......It think my nipples are both bitten off haha. By the way how is hyung treating you?" Donghyuck smiled at his friend who blushed shyly.

"He's spoiling me with kisses and food and cuddles, even though he reacted pretty badly when he found out he's been amazing. Do you think Jaehyun would be like Mark? Maybe they sure have some qualities alike.

"Hehe good luck." The tanned male giggled but frowned when he saw someone spying on them. "Taeyong who is that?" The boy pointed at the figure with a gulp. Taeyong froze when he saw his mother at a distance and also his father, He gestured the brunette to carry Sarang as they tried to leave but the pregnant boy was yanked behind by his father. 

"Oh so looks like he got you pregnant that's why he wasn't willing to give you up. Look here kid, Come with us, do away with the child and trust appa I'll marry you off to a greater person. Who wants a cripple?" The black haired man smiled at his son.

"Yes, You hated him anyways though. Come back to us, There is a more better option than Jaehyun." Taeyong's mother smiled sweetly at the boy.

"I love Jaehyun and I will never leave him. This child is our token of love! Get lost! You are both dead to me! My husband is not crippled! I don't care even if he was! I love him he loves me and that's whats important! Leave us alone you money minded bitches!" Taeyong screamed at his parents as his mother raised her arm to slap the beauty, Taeyong squeezed his eyes shut waiting for the impact but nothing came.

"He made himself clear. Get lost before I break your ugly arm into bits.!" Donghyuck twisted the lady's arm, Johnny whistled at the boy who had called him immediately and dragged the two people away.

"Thank you Hyuckie but I should be the one strong here and geez."Taeyong lent on the tanned male who only smiled gently guiding the pregnant boy to the car. Sarang squealed staring at mark on the phone inside the car, the older was on a video call with his daughter. Taeyong giggled lifting her onto his lap as Donghyuck started the car.

"Oh woah hi. Did my wonder boy save you?" Mark waved at his best friend, the blue haired nodded smiling at the man he adored since a very young age.

"Tell that father of yours to bring some shrimps for dinner if he wants to eat. Taeyong's staying over. " Donghyuck rolled his eyes at Marks flirty look at him. 

"I love you Mark on Hyucks behalf. Kissy kissy." The older giggled puckering his lips at his best friend.

"I love you to Tae. Kissyyyy. Daddy loves you daddys girl." With that Marks called hung up.

Donghyuck was not as clean as Taeyong but he was neat, his food tasted heaven and he did everything for Taeyong, Sarang crawled after her Mommy where ever he went, making the later coo at the cute bundle and couldn't wait for his little Chenle to be born. Mark came earlier than he usually does, back hugging his boyfriend but getting swatted immediately after.

"Had a fight?" Taeyong patted the place next to him.

"Yeah, He's mad since I kinda drained him out last night. Like its not fair that Sarang gets to taste it every so many hours or so." The older pouted getting smacked by a spatula from the kitchen.

"You horny ass. Well he prolly loves it hes just not showing it." Taeyong smiled tiredly. "Mark I'm finally have my own baby. Are you excited that you are goning to be an uncle?" The boy placed his shoulder on the green haired boys shoulder as Mark lifted his daughter up.

"Of course idiot." Chuckled Mark.

Jaehyun limped inside having received a text from his wife, Taeyong squealed loudly when he saw the love of his life enter the house. The man smiled his eyes crinkling under the gold rimmed glasses.

"I missed my babies." The older kissed those thin lips he loved.

"My parents came after me at the store. Thanks to Hyuckie I was safe." Taeyong wrapped his arms around his husbands neck.

"Thank god. How is Mommy boy feeling?" Jaehyun caressed the baby bump with his free hand.

"Blessed to have the best husband and be carrying his baby." The young made Jaehyun sit and crawled onto his lap.

"I love you so much my baby husband." Jaehyun whispered.

"I love you too." Giggled Taeyong, Donghyuck served dinner and so they had to go to the dinning table to eat, the blue haired sat on his husbands lap as Jaehyun fed his darling baby boy.

"You look more gorgeous when your pregnant." The older stated shamlessly checking his own lover out.

"Hawk eyes! Concentrate on eating your food." Taeyong stammered feeling shy and exposed infront of Mark and Donghyuck.

"Geez even you chest and dick has seem to have swoll....umm." Jaehyun was slapped with a harsh sloppy kiss to shut him up.

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