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Taeyong waited in his drunken clothes, cross legged as Jaehyun limped in with an enchanting smile. The older handed him a bowl of fresh yummy smelling soup.

"Where are you going?" Taeyong looked away with a frown.

"Work...Well not to school I have to visit the company for a meeting." Jaehyun showered and came out fully dressed. He looked great in a tuxedo though he limped around the room to get his things together.

"Oh....." Taeyong sucked his spoon as his big puppy eyes followed the handsome older.

"Rest that head of yours." Jaehyun ordered as he left house leaving it for Taeyong.

Taeyong felt bored after some time so he got off to do his morning routin, having finished with that he made one big come of coffee and started being nosey around Jaehyuns things. There werent much, a few medical bills, a report about his leg and a few pictures of him and his parents.

"Boring......" Taeyong thought out loud as he walked away from the mans belongings.

Taeyong saw his wedding ring glisten under the sun. He had tossed it on a table when arrived in Seoul. It had a big diamond on it, with dainty cravings around the thick gold band. A rare piece of jewelary yet Taeyong didnt want it. Shrugging the boy left the house so he could attend his afternoon classes.

"Why are you looking so depressed?" Taeyong found Mark at the school ground smoking a cigarette.

"He did it with Lucas......Thats it my whole life is ruined. I shouldnt have loved him so much." Mark chuckled bitterly seeing Donghyuck and Lucas coming into the ground for gym classes.

"Well sorry!" Taeyong threw the cigarette in Marks mouth and smash went their lips. The neon head was too shocked to react and Donghyuck dropped all the gym activities down.

Taeyong purposely purposely pulled Marks neck closer, kissing his best friend knowing he would be killed for this but Donghyuck had get hurt too. The tanned males body shook as he ran back into the school in tears. Lucas followed behind worried.

"Are you crazy!?" Mark hissed pushing Taeyong away as he wiped his lips with a glare.

"I-I only tired to help!?" The blue head whispered flinching when Mark raised his hand to slap the boy but retrieved it soon.

"Fucking get lost!" Mark hissed walking away clearly mad at his best friend.

Poor Donghyuck balled his eyes, he literally sobbed into Lucas's chest. His heart was breaking and now he knew he had no chance with Mark. It was Jungwoo inside the room and not him. Why wont Mark see that they are just best friends?

Taeyong ran home crying, he didnt mean to make an issue he just wanted to help. He bumped into a hard chest, that smelt strongly of........Jaehyuns perfume.

"Why are you crying?" Jaehyun frowned at his baby husband. Taeyong sniffled getting into the car without a single word.

Jaehyun sighed as he got in, placing the bags behind and dropping a specific bag in the blue haired arms. Taeyong took out the big baegle and started eating it like a baby.

"I...I-I only tried to h-help." Taeyong hiccuped wiping his nose in his sleeve.

"What did you do?" Jaehyun whispered softly.

"Mark likes Donghyuck, but Donghyuck likes Lucas, Mark saw them go into a room yesterday at his house and said they did and he was upset and then I purposely kissed him in front if Donghyuck and he ran off crying and.......Mark tried to slap me but didnt. He told me to get f-fucking lost!!" Taeyong cried like a baby following his husband into the house.

"Woah that was the longest thing you ever told me. Well Taeyong what you did was wrong." Jaehyun carefully sat down on the couch, keeping his crutch a side.

"W-Why?" Taeyong pouted sitting before the older.

"You hurt Donghyuck as well as stole your best friends first kiss. He might have wanted it be Donghyuck he kisses first not his best friend. A kiss is sacred, and a first kiss only comes once in a life time.......Besides Lucas is Donghyucks best friend just like you and Mark. That tanned boy loves your Canadian idiot very much." Jaehyun chuckled softly as he took hold of his crutch and limped up stairs. Taeyong followed like a puppy.

"What do I do?" Taeyong whispered sniffling.

"Explain everything to Hyuck. Get them together then perhaps he might forgive you." The teacher smiled down at the gorgeous beauty who beamed up at him.

"Thank you Mr Jung." Taeyong smiled at the older for the first time in forever.

"No problem. Mrs Jung." Jaehyun chuckled enjoying the tease since the younger blushed out of the blues.

"I.....I-Idiot!" Taeyong huffed running into the bathroom to shower. The teacher chuckled settling himself on the couch for the night. He was too tired to shower or change and his leg was the most annoying thing ever.

Taeyong came out of the bathroom in boxers and a hoodie. The younger noticed the older fast asleep on the couch with beads of sweat on his forehead. That was the first time the blue head took time to stare at how beautiful and handsome his so called husband looked. Perfect skin, and a face to die for.

"WHO WANTS COFFEE!!!" Taeyong screamed making Jaehyun jolt up as their fireheads crashed.

"Ouch!!!" Jaehyun whined in pain, he chuckled seeing Taeyong roll in laughter. He stood up limping his way towards the idiot.

"I want coffee." The teacher smiled his dimple smile tiredly going to shower. The younger bit his lips giggling after the older. He wasnt bad after all, not like those creepy old men, Jaehyun was indeed a darling person.

Jaehyun stripped himself in the bathroom, sighing at his leg. Suddenly he didnt want Taeyong to fall in love with me ever. Not nor not ever. He didnt want that beautys life to be ruined.

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