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Jaehyun stared how Taeyong rapped, his voice was a mere blessing to be honest. In general the boy himself was a blessing, with a body of a fairy, so dainty and......What is wrong with him? He thought as he focused on his notes. Taeyong noticed the olders eyes on him which made the younger turn a soft pink.

"Mr Jung how can you be so enchanting?" A girl sighed dreamingly at the teacher who limped through the children to give the lyrics.

Taeyong purposely held the teachers arms when taking his sheet. The older chuckled as he passed by, the fact that Johnny was falling in love with the blue haired beauty was indeed a heartbreaking moment. Standing by the window of the vocal room the giant stared at how beautiful Taeyong was.

"Mr Jung......." Taeyong whined when he was about leave the room for another class.

"What is it baby?" Jaehyun looked up from his papers with a teasing smile knowing the younger would forget everything.

"Urghh Idiot!" Taeyong stomped his feet as he ran off with pink dusted cheeks.

"Donghyuck in a bikini sounds hot." Mark thought out loud in the empty classroom. Taeyong giggled at how silly Mark sounded.

"He's a boy idiot." The blue head sat on a table eating his pastry.

"So? He's got feminie thick limbs, a hourglass body to die for, and him in a red bikini would be a whole ass meal. Fuck! He's hot!" Mark ran an arm through his freshly coloured green hair

"Oh really? So you want me in a red bikini you grinch!" Donghyucks voice made Mark jolt and fall off the chair landing on his butt with force. Taeyong burst out laughing.

"H-Hyuck?" Mark nervously stood up afraid to be burnt in the devils hell.

"First man the fuck up and confess! After that lets see if you want me in a bikini or naked!" Donghyuck threw the basketball in his hand at Mark and stomped away. Taeyong couldnt stop laughing, his best friend looked funny with a big red bump on his forehead.

"Shut up! If he knows I love him then what more does he want!? Confessing is embaressing when he'd be looking at me like an innocent baby pudu." Mark groaned kicking the basketball.

"Then take him on a date, kiss him, show him you'll always be there.....You know." Jaehyun stood at the door with a sweet smile.

"What if he doesnt like it?" Mark huffed crossing his arms over his chest.

"I know my baby brother more than he knows his annoying self." The teacher shrugged giving Mark a heart attack.

"Bitch you guys are brothers? OMG TAE WE GONNA BE IN LAWS!" Mark squeezed Taeyong in a hug and ran after his Pudu.

"I love them both." Taeyong giggled jumping off the table.

"Agreed. Lets go home its passed school time now." Jaehyun limped in front as Taeyong skipped right next to him with a big smile.

"Mr Jung!?" Taeyong screamed jumping on his backbody and running off to grab his bag. The older chuckled at his baby husband.

Waving at Mark who was convincing a devil to go on a date with him the couple drove off home. Taeyong was now an endless chatter unlike before. But sadly they had a breakdown on their way home as rain started beating down intensely. Jaehyun could run like Taeyong so they had to walk home slowly.

"I'm sorry....." Jaehyun whispered once they entered their house. He locked the door as he slowly followed his husband to the room.

"Taeyong I'm sorry please dont be mad." Jaehyun held the youngers drenched arm as he turned the beauty to face him.

The blue haired was wet and soaked with shirt sticking onto his flawless body, the younger was shivering, and pale. The outside was noisy with the rain heavy, suddenly thunder sounded, the lights went off and Taeyongs small arms wrapped around the olders waist.

"I'm not mad at you." Taeyong whispered into Jaehyuns chest, he hated the darkness, it reminded him of the instances Johnny had tried to trap him.

"You need to shower....Or you'll catch a cold." Jaehyun gently pushed Taeyong away, his shirt revealed too much. Not that the older hadnt seen the boy without a shirt, he had but today.....something felt different.
And so they seperated in the darkness to shower, Jaehyun was quick to finish so he could light candles for the blue haired who seemed afraid of the dark. Taeyong gingerly stepped out of the shower, in a boxer and a loose t shirt.

"Mr Jung?" Taeyong whispered not finding his man in the room. "Where are you?" He was about to burst out crying when an arm pulled him by the waist.

"You were going to step on a candle." Jaehyuns soothing voice made Taeyong sigh in relief.

The blue haired boy bit his lips when he realized his shirt was too loose and the olders arm was against his raw skin. They were too close, the rain dangerously rough, he felt Jaehyuns arm move on his waist as he was pulled closer. The window gave only little light, the candles shined a soft yellow. He was lifted onto the table, their faces millimetres apart. Jaehyun knew this was wrong but his heart convinced him that it was okay.

"Taeyong........." Jaehyun whispered his arm feeling the boys slender waist up and down slowly.

Taeyong couldnt answer, he just held Jaehyuns shoulders tightly, the olders arm igniting so many unknown feelings within him he wasnt himself. Jaehyuns nose trailed up, the flawless valley of the boys neck as it lifted Taeyongs jaw, their lips brushing against each other, the teacher squeezed the tender waist.

"Ah!" Taeyong half whispered half moaned, the olders lips were so close to his he felt nervous, Jaehyun finally pressed their lips together, the youngers lips felt like soft rose petals.

Taeyong kissed back almost immediatetly, it was slow, as Jaehyun savoured the taste, it was too soft to go hard, and too precious to let go, he slanted his head, pulling Taeying closer as he deepened the kiss.

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