Surprise Visits (BokuAka and KuroKen)

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(I am obsessed with this ship, so yay I finally found a good idea to write about with them in it! I found this headcanon thing, see the media thingy, on Pintrest as I was sitting at a birthday party with no one there that I liked, and I absolutely love it so here we go! Credit to whoever came up with it, this was not my idea!)

(Nobody's POV)

"Bokuto, does this partner of yours actually exist or are you just saying they do because you want to let your fangirls down easy?" one of his university teammates asked him one day after practice.

"They exist, they have the cutest smile, and they're always so quiet, and they're just . . . perfect," Bokuto breathed, feeling a pang of longing at the fact that he hadn't seen Akaashi in nearly three months because of their conflicting schedules.

"Wow, this boy is head over heels," another one of his teammates said, a small smirk playing over his features as he took in Bokuto's lovesick expression.

"You would be too if you met them," Bokuto cried, practically bouncing off the walls, more than normal.

Kuroo, who had somehow managed to get into the same university as Bokuto and become his roommate in the same year, snorted from his little corner. "I still like Kenma better," he said, crossed his arms over his chest.

"Of course you do, you get to see him ever three days, I don't!" Bokuto cried.

Now, he had been on this university team for almost six months, and everyone had gotten used to his naturally excited personality and the fact that he was always loud, it was almost like second nature to just ignore him when he got out of control. That was the only way they knew him, but that was all about to change, because of one very calm and collected third year high schooler that really did exist.

Bokuto continued bouncing off the walls, being his normal cheery self, but then a voice that he missed said, "Bokuto-san, please calm down."

Time slowed as he turned from where he had been facing, the biggest, dorkiest smile on his face as he beheld his angel, the one person he wanted to see most of all.

Akaashi Keiji stood there, a small blush on his face, even though his arms were crossed and he was smirking at his boyfriend as Bokuto's teammates turned to look at him. Their expressions ranged from shocked to confusion, to absolute hysterics (Kuroo, who knew about Akaashi the whole time).

His teammates obviously didn't know whether they should be screaming praise at Akaashi for calming Bokuto down with just a few words, or just screaming in general because they don't know how to deal with Bokuto being calmer and less loud.

"How the hell did this irritating owl get a guy with a too pretty to be real face to be his boyfriend?" one of his teammates, the one that had asked if Akaashi had even existed in the first place, asked, confusion written all over his face.

Kuroo burst out laughing, not being able to hold it in anymore, and he honestly sounded like a hyena that had snorted too much cocaine, something they had only seen a couple of times, normally when Kenma was around.

"What are you doing here?" Bokuto asked Akaashi as he bounded over, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend as he spun him around, making Akaashi smile.

"I thought I'd surprise you with a visit, we haven't seen each other in a while," Akaashi said, wrapping his arms around Bokuto's neck, like he was trying to keep him as close to him as possible for as long as possible, not that he had to worry about that; Bokuto was keeping a hold on Akaashi for as long as he possibly could.

"We're going to your place right?" Bokuto asked, between peppering Akaashi's face with kisses of course.

"Obviously, I don't want to have to deal with Kuroo all night, especially since Kenma's right behind me," Akaashi said. The part about Kenma was whispered in Bokuto's ear because Kenma wanted to surprise his boyfriend. "No offense Kuroo," Akaashi said.

"Trust me, I don't want to be around you guys either, you'll give me cavities from how sweet you get," Kuroo told them, making them laugh.

"Good, then you wouldn't mind me stopping by would you?" Kenma asked from where he was standing by the gym doors that Akaashi had clearly left open on purpose.

"What the hell? Why do the two idiots get the cute ones?" someone asked, making Bokuto and Kuroo chuckle.

"Someone has to keep them in check," Akaashi said, making Bokuto pout.

"I'm not that bad am I Akaashi?" he asked.

"You are that bad babe, sorry to have to tell you. I think you gave me a grey hair," Akaashi said, making Bokuto pout even more. "You make for it in how much of a sweetheart you are though," he added, making Bokuto smile.

"Let's get out of here, I want to spend as much time with you as possible," Bokuto said, and Akaashi had to agree.

"I'm out too guys," Kuroo said, wrapping his arm around Kenma's shoulders. "Maybe we could play a game with you guys in it the next time you stop by," Kuroo suggested, making them all smile.

"As long as we're against each other and Akaashi's my setter," Bokuto said, getting a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"As long as my Kitten is setting for me I could care less," Kuroo said, and the two setters shared an equally exasperated and fond look after looking at their boyfriends.

This was going to be interesting for sure.

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