Dumbass Hinata (KageHina)

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"Hinata, you dumbass!" Kageyama yelled, whacking Hinata on the head with his hand.

"Ow! What was that for?" Hinata yelled, whipping around to yell at the taller boy, who was glaring daggers at the small sunshine child. (That's what he is and anyone that says otherwise can FIGHT ME!!!!)

"That was a perfect set, what the hell is going through that peanut sized brain of yours?" Kageyama wondered loudly, poking Hinata on the head harshly.

"Hey, I have a regular sized brain! And I've just had a lot on my mind lately," Hinata grumbled, rubbing his head lightly.

What Hinata didn't want to say, was that he had been developing feelings for the younger setter, and he wasn't ready to face them yet. They were just getting over their rivalry, even though they raced whenever they met in the halls, on their way to practice, and even on the way home or to the bus stop. No matter where they were they were racing.

Hinata didn't want to screw up the relationship they did have by sharing his feelings, he wasn't going to do that to the team, even if it hurt himself.

"What could you possibly be worrying about?" Kageyama asked, but something in his tone was different to Hinata, it sounded more concerned than pissed off.

"It's nothing, I'm worrying over nothing," Hinata muttered, glaring at the floor.

"Hinata, can I talk to you for a moment?" Suga asked, his motherly instincts must've kicked in. Hinata knew that if Suga hadn't wanted to talk to him, Yamaguchi would've.

"Sure," Hinata said, getting a little bit of his sunshine happy go lucky personality back.

"You like Kageyama, don't you?" Suga asked when they were out of earshot.

"H-How'd you know? I-I mean, pfft, no! Of course not!" Hinata cried, trying uselessly to cover up his mistake.

Suga gave him a look and Hinata sighed, sagging against the wall.

"Yes, and it's been screwing me up in practice!" Hinata cried, rubbing his hands furiously through his hair, and when he pulled his hands away a few strands glinted as they fell to the floor.

"Hey, hey, hey, it's okay, you just have to talk to him," Suga said.

Hinata turned around to sulk in the corner, getting an aura of defeat around him.

"Woah, what's with the dramatic mood change?" Suga asked, his voice soft and comforting.

"You do realize that talking to Kageyama is the same thing as talking to a brick wall right?" Hinata asked, giving Suga his own look.

"You're the only person that he spends a lot of time with outside of the club, you know," Suga coaxed.

This was news to Hinata, even though they spent the most of their time together in and out of the club, he thought that Kageyama was close with everyone else on the team too, not just him.

"Really?" The thought of him being closer with Kageyama than anyone else made him smile, even though the thought also terrified the living daylights out of the small boy.

"Yeah, haven't you ever noticed how he almost always follows your voice during a game, even if Tanaka or Asahi is louder?" Suga asked.

"I just always thought that he could hear me," Hinata said, a small blush taking over his face. The thought of Kageyama keeping tabs on him made him blush, something he both loved and hated at the same time.

"Hinata, I'm also a setter, and whenever I'm in the zone, I always send it to someone that sounds like they want it more, but for me to do that, I have to hear them. I can barely hear you on the sidelines with all of my attention on you."

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