Chapter Three: Alana: I Can't Leave You, Continued

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I Can't Leave You, Continued
       ~Aware: Long Chapter

"Stop crying." He whispered softly into my ear suddenly, but I knew he was uncomfortable. "Tell me what's wrong." He coaxed softly.

I pulled my face out of his chest and looked up into those sunglasses that blocked his eyes so no one could look at his face, I looked down at my dress then back into his eyes as he grabbed the dress and looked at the large tear in it. He gave me the softest, tiniest smile but I could tell from the way his eyebrows had lowered behind the sunglasses that he was furious, he leaned down and gave me a soft kiss on the temple and pulled me tight to his chest once more. I tried hard to keep my composure but it was a futile fight as I started to cry into his chest once more, I was so upset that I wasn't able to stand up to Jewels and tell her off, instead I had got weak and did as she said. I was fat, ugly, weak and a crybaby and no wonder Richard didn't want to be with me forever, no wonder he hadn't came to take me away and I understand I only knew him for a few days but being with him in such little time has been the best thing that ever happened to me.

"Stop crying, we can get it fixed, Beautiful." He whispered, grabbing my hand as I pulled from his chest and nodded slowly, reaching up and wiping my tear streaks. "Stop crying."

His voice was surprisingly filled with such concern and remorse that I knew he was actually careful with how he was talking to me, his tone was gentle and soft to tell me that he wasn't actually mad at me. He put his hand on my lower back and guided me toward the door, the men in the lobby abruptly made way for us as I sniffled and glanced at him in curiosity until I realized he was leading me out of the building.

I frowned as I reached up and wiped a stray tear. "Richard, we're supposed to wait for the bell to go off."

"Fuck that bell, Beautiful. I want you in this dress so we're going to get it fixed now." He said, continuing to guide me out the door and I couldn't help but give him a tearful smile as he said that to me.

Richard pulled the Lincoln door open and I quickly climbed inside as he slammed the door shut with force that caused me to jump, he was in complete rage as he walked to the driver side of the car and I couldn't do anything but stare at him in fear. He slammed his door shut heavily as well and the glass rattled as I flinched and it seemed like he had caught my reaction to him, and he looked over at me before his stiff body seemed to go lax momentarily. He reached over and gently caressed my cheek, I reached up and cupped my smaller hand over his while leaning into his promising touch. He pulled away and put the key in the ignition before starting the car up and driving us down the same dirt path that paved into a road as we moved closer to town, the sun glistened and caused the car to shine once more. I reached up and wiped my last tear as it fell before a small smile came over my face when Richard reached over and grabbed my hand gently, coaxing me to hold his. I clenched his hand tightly as I looked around at the same scenery, it was so damn hot on the open landscape that it seemed like the plants were melting under the sun's gaze.

I looked over at Richard to analyze him as well, he hadn't shaved and was growing a sexy stubble, he had adored a button up that was baby blue instead of the usual black and a pair of black slacks that looked just as good as usual. He was such a fine man, he was my man and I was in awe at the fact that he was here just for me. If he hadn't wanted me for this long, he would of found someone else to talk to but he was still talking to me and was still taking me out. My smile widened as we slowed down while entering Lovell once more, I smiled at the sight of N'Y Burgers with the reminder that Richard and I had went to eat their once. I looked over as Richard pulled his car into a parking spot with a lot of many other cars, I looked to see that Richard had parked right at the entrance of Hawkeye View and was now getting out the car. I was in complete shock at the sight of the store I heard so much about, while most stores were tan or brown, Hawkeye View stood out for it's bright pink color and many women coming and going.

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