Chapter Four: Alana: A Lover's Escape

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A Lover's Escape
        ~Aware: Long Chapter

Electricity shot through me in waves at the feeling of Richard pushing inside of me repeatedly, I gasped as he reached so deep and caressed the inside of my walls so perfectly, he fit so perfectly inside of there. I was entirely awake but I was more than aware that Richard was atop of me and rocking my world once more, I wrapped my arms around his neck and he only hiked my legs higher while quickening his pace. His hips pivoted so flawlessly inside of me, carving at my guts as I moaned and whined for him to not stop and to hit that spot repeatedly, he always had me whimpering and whining by the time he's climaxing. I reached up and brought his face to mine, his sweat dripped down on me and sent shivers down my spine as I pushed my lips against his and his tongue dove so deliciously into my mouth. I sucked on the muscle as it licked every corner and crevasse that it found, tasting me thoroughly and we didn't even care about the morning breath from the night before. 

So entuned into Richard's grunts, I hadn't realized the bed was shaking ferociously with every thrust until I heard the heavy banging on the door, I bet it was the neighbor that was knocking last night. Richard paused as the person at the door released a tirade of assaults, saying something along the lines that it was too early in the morning and good people needed good sleep. As well as how Richard and I went at each other nearly until midnight until Richard hadn't been able to rejuvenate himself, but he had woken up fully energized. I laughed as Richard gave me a smirk that was very promising that after he handled the person that was disturbing us that he'd finish rocking my world, I pulled the comforter to my chest and watched as Richard stalked naked to the door. He swung the door very hard and it nearly came off the hinges as I watched my badass as a man from behind, his back was so sculpted and butt cheeks were perfect, not too big and definitely not too small, he's so masculine he can put any bodybuilder to shame. I could imagine Richard staring down at someone and the person in complete shock that not only was Richard a huge man but he was also completely naked. 

"O-O-O-O-Oh, Mr. Alther, I a-a-a-apologize, t-t-t-hink the w-w-wrong room." The person stammered before they had scurried off without Richard having to say a single word.

Richard slammed the door shut again with a low chuckle I hadn't almost caught, I happily and willingly laid back as he climbed back into the bed and laid right where he belonged, he sauntered between my legs and pushed himself back into my velvety folds. I gasped as my walls stretched to accommodate his gigantic size while I withered and thrashed underneath him at every blow he gave me to the gut. It was purely true bliss to have him here this morning, he didn't even understand how much it meant for me to wake up this way, nothing could put my mood down. Nothing. I grabbed onto the sheets and arched my back as I neared a release, reaching up and clawing at his chest as he quickened his pace until I reached and he soon reached his climax after me. Heaving as he used his arms to brace himself barely above me, every heavy breath of fresh air I took caused my stomach to touch his until he gave me a gentle kiss on the temple and rolled off me. I turned onto my side to face him as he did the same, his hand came up and the pad of his thumb gently trailed over my bottom lip, I giggled and sucked it into my mouth when it came close enough. His eyes closed in pleasure momentarily before he opened them and gave me a satisfied grin, I released his thumb before moving closer and pecking his lips.

"Amazing, beautiful." Richard whispered sleepily. "Good morning."

"Mhmmm." I muttered in reply and I pushed myself taut against him and he didn't pull away, he only wrapped his arm around my waist and held me tightly to him, exactly how I loved to be held. "Don't ever leave me, Richard." I begged.

"Of course not, my beautiful Alana. Never." Richard promised, pecking my forehead as I dosed off. 

"I love you." I muttered purposely as Richard had worked on the untying the ribbon in my hair.

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