Chapter One: Alana: A Day Out And About

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"Alana! Get up here!" I frowned as I sat my round cake pan on the counter before glancing around at the other basement girls as they glanced back at me.

I knew they were also wondering what was going on and some probably expected me to come back the way I did the one time a man couldn't control himself, I was always paranoid that he'd return and while there wasn't a complete bad experience with him anymore, I still had my accusations that there was no real meaning behind the second time. Perhaps, he didn't trust my word that I wouldn't tell anyone, something I told myself from embarrassment of the entire situation. It wasn't fair that it was me but I suppose I can't say it was all bad, and I also got my white bow back. 

I pursed my lips as I dusted excess flour off my apron from having to make a New York cheesecake under Edith's order, I was nervous honestly and there was a small pit of worry in my gut, could it be something bad again? I occasionally stuck to myself as usual, I didn't bother anyone as long as they didn't bother me and because I only talked to Sandy, there was no reason for me to be getting into any drama or trouble. Without Sandy, everything was different because I lost my sister and my best friend, she was missed very much and I just couldn't wait until I had the chance to see her again, even if it was in another lifetime. 

I missed her bounding down the stairs with her newest bag of various accessories that included clothes, scarves, earrings, and much more that Ronald didn't hesitate to buy her if she asked. He was a good man honestly and I was happy she was happy with him. What's unfortunate is that she had only departed with him two days ago and just this morning I shredded tears at the fact that she wasn't returning this time, but luckily for me, my sobbing didn't pull anyone out of their slumber. Though I had to catch myself as my cries did cause a few of the other girls around me to stir.

As of now, I felt alone and vulnerable to a sense, everything was so quiet and plain now because my best friend and sister's presence was no longer near mine, and it was going to take a lot of getting used to. I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and walked toward the stairs, I glanced behind me as everyone watched me walk toward the stairs with their own thoughts swiftly swishing in their heads, what was the real reason I was being called? I was just hoping I wasn't being sold again, the white bow didn't stop Edith the first time and I was sure it wasn't going to stop her any other time.

I stopped at the bottom of the basement stairs and glanced up at the dimmed lobby the best I could from the far distance, my head was racing but I suppressed the thoughts and took a heavy breath to mentally prepare myself for another soul-reckoning experience. I grabbed the railing and slowly ascended up the steps, I was cautious with each step to not stumble while walking, I looked down at the stairs and looked at the red patterned carpet designing while I took each step carefully. 

I finally lifted my head as I entered the lobby floor and came to a stop right above the last basement step, I was truly amazed by what I saw before me. Men were littered everywhere in the lobby, from tall to short, some men were fat and some skinny, some portly and some uncomfortably masculine. Some were even dressed to the nines in button-ups and suits for late dinners while some just dressed casually in a sweater or t-shirt. 

I was nervous as hell as I stared at the different types of men, there were so many varieties of them like there were also many varieties of women, every last person came in different sizes and shapes, something I never paid attention to before. Why were all of these men here, was it a special day? I continued to stare at all of them in shock, completely forgetting that I had been called up for a reason. That moment didn't last long as I remembered why I was here. Well, I was up here to find out why I was here. 

I started glancing around the crowd for one person in particular, and I found her standing by the podium closer to the entrance of the large lobby with Jenny right beside her, holding a piece of paper and an annoyed frown on her face. Edith was wearing her usual pocket housecoat, her eyes looked in my direction just as she shoved a circled wad of cash in her pocket, they immediately turned into daggers as she curled her lip at me and quickly whipped around to stare at a man I barely noticed standing there. 

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