Part 28

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Mark's POV
"J-jack, can me and Wade talk?" Jack nodded and left, leaving me and Wade.
"There's something else... I can't tell Jack but I need someone other than Tyler to talk to." I could hear that he was anxious..
"Wade.. I've.." I lowered my voice in case Jack was outside.
"I've killed people." I saw his eyes widen as he backed away from me.
"Y-you What!?" He kept moving away. I stood in front of him.
"About 4. A drunk man, A young lady named Tiffany and two young women in the park." I hate myself for it... But I need Wade to know.
"How.. How do you sleep at night.." I honestly felt hurt.. But I understand.
"It's hard.. Sometimes I don't sleep. The last 2 I've killed were about 2, maybe 3 weeks ago?"I started to cry.
"Please.. Even if you hate me.. Don't tell Jack. He would be broken... Wade.." He looks at me and I could see he was scared.
"Mark.. I won't tell Jack.. Someday you have to tell him.. But I won't. I... I'm scared Mark. You're a Vampire... I mean.. What am I supposed to think!?" He puts his head in his hands and let's out a sigh.
"Wade... Thank. Thank you.. I'll tell him soon.. And, when I do.. If he hates me.. Can I stay with you?" He frowned past his hands.
"Yeah.. BYOB. Bring your own Blood.." He let out a weak laugh and stood up.
"Me, you, and Jack. Mario cart. I'm Bowser." I nodded and gave him a quick hug.
"Thanks bro.."
We ended up playing until 2 in the morning. Wade slept in the chair while me and Jack cuddled in the couch.

Vampire Markiplier: A Septiplier StoryWhere stories live. Discover now