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Jack's POV
I jolted up and looked around. It was just a dream... A dream.. I'm fine. Mark isn't going to kill anyone... He isn't a Vampire.. They aren't real... I looked over to see Mark on the couch still sleeping. I crawl over next to him and lie on his chest.
"Good night Merk."
*First time skip brought to by Chica! Good girl Chica! *
Still Jack's POV
I woke up and realized that Mark had wrapped his arms around me. I traced the outline of his muscles and fell back asleep. When I woke up I was alone. Mark had left me on the couch. I got up and decided to make breakfast.
*Small time skip from Sam*
After I finished making eggs and toast, I went to wake Mark.
"Merk wake up lad." I gently shook his arm. He didn't budge.
"Merk don't make me do this. Please wake up." I shook him once more and when he didn't wake up I stood up, took a few steps back and took a breath.
"TOP OF THE MORNING TO YA LADDIES!" He shot up and screamed. I fell on the floor laughing. Then I noticed he had his fangs out. He got up and started walking toward me. My laughter quickly quieted and my smile left me. I started to back up frowning.
"M-merk... It was a joke I'm sorry... I didn't mean to.. Please don't hurt m-" He put his hand over my mouth as I tried to scream. He smiled wide showing his teeth and started to lean into my neck. I closed my eyes, preparing for the pain. When he reached my neck he-
*Cliffhanger hahahaha*

This was written at 3:53 am... Please forgive me.

Also! Looking for new ideas! If you have any, drop them in the comments!!!

Vampire Markiplier: A Septiplier StoryWhere stories live. Discover now