"You look lovely. Here, sit so I can do your hair." She instructed him to sit as she grabbed a brush from the vanity

Taehyung immediately obeyed, biting his bottom lip nervously as his leg bounced up and down.

"I'm sure the prince will be thrilled when he sees you." She spoke, gently running the brush through his hair.

"Y-You think so?" The omega's eyes were wide with hope.

"Of course baby. Just look at you!" She gushed before she finished placing the last strand of hair perfectly on his head.

It was silent for a few seconds as Taehyung got up and turned to face his mother.

"I want you to know that I'm so proud of you and your way of thinking. I don't know what i would have done if you hated us for what we did to you, marrying you off like this without a say." She said.

She was in tears as Taehyung's bottom lip quivered, beginning to feel like this was the beginning of his goodbyes, which in a way it was.

"It's okay mother. I understand and I could never hate you for it." Taehyung reassured as she threw her arms around him before a sob left her lips.

After a few minutes of standing in each other's embrace his mother pulled away with a sweet kiss to his forehead before Taehyung was speaking again.

"Mother, I must ask for a favor before it's time for me to go."

"Yes of course darling, anything." She immediately replied, eyes searching his.

"I know it's a bit late but could you perhaps make me some of your delicious stew before I go? I will miss it dearly." He pouted, making the woman sniffle loudly before laughing at her son.

"Oh, of course! I'll get started so you have time to eat." 

Taehyung thanked her as she left the room hastily, making him smile sadly at her before it quickly fell.

Within seconds he sprung into action, quickly double checking the hallway before making a run for it.

He had to see Hoseok and Yoongi one last time, to explain to them that he would be leaving.

He had been trying to put off the conversation for far too long and now he would only have mere minutes to bid them goodbye.

He was panting and slightly out of breath by the time he reached town, watching as all eyes turned his way.

By now they all knew of his marriage to the prince, eyes curious while other were envious and jealous.

Taehyung didn't pay them any mind, running across the village to where he knew Hoseok would be working.

He stumbled into the small shop, eyes searching the place until his eyes landed on the alpha.

"Hyung!" He managed to pant out, but the alpha was already opening his arms for him to fall into.

Hoseok had been in a state of denial for as long as he could but he knew the second Taehyung came in, that it was to say goodbye.

The news spread like wildfire around the village, of the omega that was to marry the future alpha king.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." Taehyung could feel tears threatening to spill from his eyes.

Hoseok smelled like cinnamon and safety, Taehyung didn't want to let go.

He was going to miss him so much.

Taehyung knew he couldn't stay for long, still having to go speak with Yoongi.

"Hold on- please." Hoseok had croaked out, making the omega whimper softly when Hoseok nosed at his neck.

There was a pang in his heart at the alpha's broken voice, grown used to his outgoing persona.

He could quite literally feel the sadness wafting off of the alpha in waves, making Taehyung feel horrible about leaving him.

"I-I have to go hyung... I promise we'll see each other again." Taehyung reassured through tears as he slowly pulled away, making Hoseok cup his cheeks gently.

There was a strange glint in his eyes, besides the obvious anger and sadness, there was something else.

"If you ever need anything I'm here for you, always. You come find me, okay?" Hoseok was speaking slowly, eyes searching his.

"Okay hyung." Taehyung sniffled, watching as Hoseok slowly leaned in closer towards him before placing a gentle kiss to his cheek.

He could see the way Hoseok's jaw clenched and his eyes turned hard.

"Take care of yourself Taehyung." He spoke at last before dropping his hands from his face and stepping back.

Taehyung was silently crying by the time he left, immediately running towards where he knew Yoongi would be working.

The conversation went the same, Yoongi's cold expression quickly dropping at the sight of Taehyung in tears.

They hugged and Yoongi even gave him a pretty white rose, telling him that he hoped things would work out for him.

Taehyung hoped as well, nodding gently as Yoongi hugged him and placed a kiss to his hair.

By the time he ran back to his house he knew he was late. Time had went by faster than he had anticipated and it was almost noon when he opened his front door.

Immediately his angry mother was onto him, his father not far behind.

"Where have you been?!" She growled.

"I had to go say goodbye to my hyungs." Taehyung whispered shakily before his mother was gasping loudly.

"Who gave you that rose?! Get rid of that thing right this instant." She shrieked before snatching the flower from Taehyung's hand.

The omega grew back, watching as his mother's eyes widened in panic.

He wanted to scream for her to give it back, that it was precious because his hyung had given it to him.

His brows furrowed and his throat hurt as a small sob left his lips.

"My goodness, you reek of those alphas! Go-" her angry outburst was cut off by loud stomping outside and the sound of horses neighing softly before there was a loud knock on the door.

Taehyung's heart was pounding in his chest, eyes watching as his mother and father's faces paled.

They had arrived for him. 

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