I love you

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Jughead still hadn't made up his mind about, what to do with Betty. It was about a week, since Cheryl had talked to him, and ever since she had sent him these weird looks, whenever Betty was around. He knew he had to decide or at least talk to her at some point, he just didn't know what to say. Meanwhile Veronica had flirted with him at every chance, she got. Yesterday Jughead even saw her leaning over, but he just turned his head, and pretended he hadn't noticed. Of course he was mad at Veronica, but he didn't want to start a big fight up with her, since they were working together in an English assignment. He also didn't try to avoid Betty as much, which she of course noticed, how could she not? Jughead had his head full, with both her, Cheryl and now Veronica, but Betty couldn't think about anything but him. She was incredibly mad at herself for ruining her chance with Jughead, and couldn't stop crying. Of course she didn't cry at school, but one day she broke down. She was in the blue and gold office, when she suddenly got to thinking about how much she had screwed up. Jughead was walking down the hallway, when he suddenly heard a noise. It sounded like someone was crying, and it came from the blue and gold office. Jughead was hesitant, but knew that he had to check who it was. When he opened the door, he saw Betty sitting on the floor, her face in her hands. She was crying uncontrollably and didn't even look up, when Jughead sat down beside her. For a minute he just sat there awkwardly before pulling her head to his chest, slowly stroking her hair.
- Betty
He said, and she instantly looked up, recognising his voice almost immediately. It only made her cry even more, and she buried her face in his chest.
- I'm so sorry Jug
She said, her voice low and small, but just high enough for him to hear.
- I know
He said, wrapping his arms around her.
- I know you are
- I screwed up by trusting Veronica and Archie. I ruined our relationships
She said sniffing, removing her head from his chest.
- You must hate me right now
- I don't hate you
Jughead said, looking down at her.
- And you didn't ruin our relationship
She looked up at him, and he stared into her big emerald green eyes.
- I didn't?
She sniffled, an unknowing look on her face, and Jughead sighed.
- Look Betty
He said removing his arms from her.
- We need to talk
He said. She looked at her hands, afraid of what he might say.
- A week ago I was sure I wouldn't be able to forgive you
A tear escaped her eye, as she clenched her fists.
- But
Jughead said, taking her hands in his unclenching her fists, and Betty looked at him.
- Something made me realise
He took a deep breath before continuing.
- That I can't live without you, Elizabeth Cooper. Somehow despite all that has happened, I can't stop thinking about you. And now I understand, that I don't want to. I know you were wrong for trusting Veronica, and Archie for that matter, but I also know, that you've been blaming it all on yourself, when in reality, it's also my fault. I could've said something that day, when you first came to my house. Anything to make you stay, or to let you know that I would never, ever, do something to hurt you. But I didn't. And I should've. Because, you mean everything to me, Betty. You're strong- god you're the strongest person I know. You're caring, thoughtful and the most amazing person I have ever met. You're that, and so much more. That is why I love you Betty
Jughead admitted, looking deeply into her eyes.
- I love you, Betty Cooper
Betty, who had been silent for awhile, showing no emotions, finally smiled, overwhelmed by his sweet words.
- Jughead Jones
She said moving closer to him.
- I love you
They stared into each other's eyes for awhile, until their lips met, closing the gap between them. And at that moment, they knew. That no one, not Veronica, not Archie, could break them apart. Because they were, and always would be, soulmates. They were meant for each other, and nothing, could come between them.

(A/N O M G, I finished it!!! Not that I wasn't enjoying writing this story, I just really needed to get it done, so I can focus on all of my other ideas. Which have a lot of. I hope you enjoyed reading this story, as much as I enjoyed writing it, and I promise, I'll be back soon. To anyone wondering about what happened to Archie and Veronica. Let's just say, that they finally found out, that neither Betty or Jughead wanted to be with them, and so they moved on. I know this probably wasn't the ending you were expecting, but beside then fact that it's a little rushed, I think it's pretty good. I'll see you soon!)

PS: Check out my new book with Bughead Oneshots

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