The call

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- Hello? Betty said, trying to hide the excitement in her voice.

- Hey it's me, she heard her so called best friend squeal.

- Oh, what do you want? She asked, though it came out a little more disappointed than she had intended.

- Well first off I wanted to talk to you about the boy from our English class.

- What about him?

- One of my friends from cheerleading said, that he totally checked me out today, and she thinks he might like me!

- I mean you haven't even met him, how do you know that he likes you?

- I don't know, but my friend said, he was looking at me while blushing, you know when I talked to you at lunch.

Betty was starting to get angry now. That was literally less than five minuets after, she had just given him her number. What the hell was wrong with him!?

- Oh, but it's getting kind of late, besides I have some homework to do, she lied, desperately wanting the conversation to be over.

- Okay, but it's the first day of school, how can you already have homework? Veronica asked  with disbelief.

- Never mind I guess. I'll just see you tomorrow then, she said, before hanging up.

Betty sighed and threw her head back on the bed. The day had just been one big emotional rollercoaster. Suddenly the door swung open, and her mother walked in.

- I sure hope it's homework you have there, and not that puerile diary of yours. You're 17 for gods sake, maybe it's time for you to stop with that nonsense. Besides you want to be ahead of the others in your class.

And with that she closed the door. To be honest her mother wasn't really the best parent, and neither was her dad. He wasn't as bad as her mother though. On the outside they looked like the perfect family, which was what her mother wanted people to think. Her sister didn't even live at home anymore. She ran off with her boyfriend two years ago, but her parents didn't want anyone to know. Her brother on the other hand, was the perfect son. Good grades, nice, or at least to everyone except her. He always acted so fake and perfect around their parents, when in reality, he would always come home waisted. When they were kids he used to break stuff and blame it on her. Now she was stuck with him and their parents, until she went off to college. Suddenly her phone rang. She didn't know who it was, but when she looked at the caller ID it only said: not that noticeable. She immediately smiled, but stopped herself, when she remembered how angry she was. She didn't decline the call, but instead waited for him to stop calling. It took a while though, and in the meantime she brushed her teeth, before going to bed.

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