The threat

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After school Jughead was about to go home when he got stopped. He looked up and in front of him stood no other than Archie Andrews himself.
- Hey, we need to talk
Archie said, in what Jughead supposed was an angry voice.
- Oh no, are you gonna break up with me?
He joked, trying to lighten up the mood, but Archie didn't find it funny at all. He just starred at him madly, without saying anything. Jughead rolled his eyes.
- What do you want Andrews?
- I was about to ask you the same question, what are you doing with my girlfriend?
- Relax, red. We're just friends, besides we work at the newspaper together
- I want you to stay away from her, she's mine!
Archie said giving him a threatening look.
- First off it's not like she's something you can own, besides what are you gonna do if I don't
He said giving Archie the exact same look.
- Let's just say it's better if you don't know
- You know, others might think you're scary, but I'm not afraid of you
Jughead said walking away.
- That's up to you, but I would watch my back if I were you
Archie yelled after him, but Jughead didn't care about his idle threats. He could do as he liked, as long as he didn't hurt Betty. Besides, who was he to say who he could or couldn't speak with. In middle school Archie and Jughead were actually really great friends, and when Jughead's dad hit a rough patch Archie and his dad was always there for him. They had kinda drifted apart in their freshman year, as Archie joined the football team and didn't really have time for Jughead anymore. Since then he had been known as the quiet weirdo, who didn't fit in anywhere. That was until half a year ago when he met Betty. She had really helped him open op and get out of his shell, which he was very thankful for. Now he felt like he was losing her to Archie, and he didn't know what to do. Betty was one of the best things in his life, and he definitely didn't want that to change. He knew that Veronica had her eyes out for him, but he didn't really like her that way. She had almost never talked to him, and suddenly she wanted to be with him all the time. A lot of the other girls had also tried to get Jughead's attention, but he only had his eyes on one girl. Who he thought was the sweetest and prettiest girl he had ever met. But now it was too late and he couldn't do anything about it.

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