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There he was. Sitting all alone at a table, reading a book, that somehow happened to be one of her favourites.

- Why did you lie about the assignment in English? Betty asked, furrowing her eyebrows. She seemed to have caught him off guard, as he almost dropped the book in his hand.

- Sorry, I just zoomed out, he said, closing the book.

- You still didn't answer my question, why did you lie?

He looked up at her nervously, as if he thought, she was mad at him. But what he saw was the kindest and most beautiful green eyes. For a while he just stared at her, until he finally answered.

- I just thought it would be more fun to get to know each other. He smiled a little before realising, he was blushing and quickly added:

- Besides you seemed like kind of a nerd, and I thought it would be fun to tease you.

She ignored his insult, and instead she said:

- So you wanted to get to know me.

It was more of a statement than a question, and when she saw him getting nervous, she smirked.

- I didn't say that, he finally managed to say.

- Seems to me like there's a lot you don't say, she said, referring to his comment earlier.

- Well since you won't tell me your name, I guess there's a lot you don't say as well, he fought back.

- I'll tell you what. Why don't I give you my number instead?

She couldn't believe, what she had just said. Guess she wasn't that shy after all.

- Sure, he said, and they exchanged numbers.

Betty then left the table to find another, quieter place to eat her lunch.

- What was that about? Her friend Veronica, who had just walked up beside her, asked.

- We were just talking about English, she said, which technically they did, so it wasn't a lie.

- If you say so, Veronica said and shrugged.

- But don't you at least think he's a little cute?

- Him? she asked, acting like she hadn't thought about it.

- Yes him. I mean if you ask me, he's totally hot, I can't believe I haven't seen him before.

- Well then maybe you should ask him out, Betty said in an annoyed tone.

- Well then maybe I will, Veronica said before saying goodbye and heading back to the cafeteria.

Urgh, Betty thought. Why did she say that?! She literally just told her to ask him out. Now he would definitely go out with her, and they would fall in love and forget all about her. Okay maybe she was just overthinking. Maybe he wouldn't even say yes. What was she talking about, of course he would say yes, just look at her, she thought and imagined Veronica tossing her perfect, dark hair, while laughing. She then decided to just forget all about him. It shouldn't be that hard, they had just met today, right...?

The rest of the day she tried her hardest not to think about him. Yet when school was over, and she was sitting in her room, writing in her diary, and her phone rang, she couldn't help but hope, it was him.

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