Jughead Jones

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The next couple of days she completely avoided him. She also tried to avoid her best friend, although that wasn't as easy, because she kept trying to talk to her, and she didn't want her to know she was mad. It had been two weeks, since she had last heard from or seen him, and it was getting really hard not being able to smile or talk to him, when she saw him in the hallway.

It was lunchtime, and she was sitting alone in the blue and gold office. She was trying to find new ideas on what to write, when the door opened.

- Hi I'm here to join the newspaper. Principal Weatherbee told me to ask someone named Betty Cooper? A voice said.

- That's me, who ar-, she said before looking at the person in front of her.

It was him, the boy whom she'd met two weeks ago. The one she so desperately tried to get out of her head, but failed miserably. She just stood there, paralysed. The room was silent, until he finally spoke up:

- So I guess I finally know your name, huh, he said, trying to act cool, although he was a nervous wreck at this point.

She didn't say anything. She just looked at him, still in shock.

- Are you gonna say anything or...?

She opened her mouth to say something, but no words came out.

- Okay, can you please tell me why you're so pissed at me?! He couldn't hold it in any longer, and almost screamed of frustration and confusion.

- I have no idea what you're talking about, I don't even know your name, she finally said, trying to change the subject.

- Come on, just tell me. And my name is Jughead, Jughead Jones

She couldn't avoid him any longer and knew, that she had to confess.

- It's just, I'd just given you my number, and then I hear you smiling and blushing while looking at my best friend, when I was talking to her-

She hesitated.

- And I just got kinda mad, because I really thought we hit it off. She breathed out and looked at him, afraid of what he was going to say.

- Well I tried calling you. Besides I wasn't looking at her. I was looking at you, he said, while taking a step towards her.

- Oh

She was stunned and didn't know what to say. He was standing really close to her by now, and she could almost feel his breath.

- Does that mean I can join the blue and gold? He asked and she giggled quietly.

The softest giggle he had ever heard. Their foreheads were now almost touching, and she finally looked up at him, nodding her head. Before they realised it, they were both leaning in.

A Bughead storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora