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Is there one person for everyone? Someone who will love you unconditionally no matter what? The only person in the world who really gets you? Is there such a thing as meant to be? Do soulmates really exist? And what happens when destiny throws two people together?

Well our story starts in a small, normal town. Or so it seems. The hidden secrets of the town is yet to be exposed. The question isn't what, but who? There is an ending and a beginning to every story. And ours is just about to start.

The rain is pouring, and a terrible storm is about to show. While most people are locking their doors, afraid of what the weather might bring, our main character, a girl, who's name is yet to be uncovered is sitting in her room. Unaware of what the next couple of days have in store for her. Chatting and laughing with her best friend on the phone.

- I'm sure you're gonna be fine

- You really think so?

- I know you are

- But what if he thinks I'm weird

- Well if you're weird, then I'm a freak

- Thank you for always calming me down

- Anytime

The girl ends the call and shakes her head. Her best friend, the prettiest, most popular girl in school, who every guy has a crush on. The girl you'd think is a brat, but who's actually the nicest person in the world. But she's also self conscious and afraid of what people think of her.

Even though our girl has never had a boyfriend, or even been on a date, her best friend still comes to her for advise. Maybe she should be grateful. That out of all people she chooses to talk to her, even though she has no experience whatsoever. In fact her life had actually been pretty boring. Grew up in a relatively big house, with two siblings. With a loving and caring mother, and a hardworking father. Although that was all about to change.

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