Chapter 2

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Ugh...... My fucking head...

Jaskier rubbed his temples and sighted. God.. What had happend? Then he started to remember. How he sneeked of because he couldnt sleep. Went to a bar because he felt bad, not actually knowing why. How he saw a hot girl and tried to get in bed with her. How that big beansack of a guy smacked him repeatedly. Ah. That explains the blood and the bruises he thought. What to do now? He couldnt go back to Geralt.. He looked around. He was outside of a bar. What time would it be? Would Geralt worry about me? Most probably not, if we think about yesterday... Jaskier sighted. He had his luit.. He could just go on and try to survive by playing toss a coin to your witcher till literally everyone hates the song. Jaskier tried to stand up, but then he felt a sharp pain in his head, felling like a knife that cut through his head. Or I just sleep here for a little while...

In the meantime..

"FUCK!". That was the only thing that could be heard through the half-lit forest where he and Jaskier had set up camp yesterday evening. That little idiot.. Why do i even care? But somehow he did care. He looked around to hopefully find a sign of where Jaskier could be. That idiot better be alive. He packed up his things and climbed on Roach. Why does he always do things that are not in my plan?! I hope he isnt mad though.. Now, where could he be? Ill just to the most close village.

This dear readers, was the start of the two idiots seperated.

Yowww, i know its short, but ill post more in smaller chalters. Or maybe once a week a chapter of like 1,5 k words?.. Ill let yall decide. Short and a chapter in like 3 days, of like 300 words, or one long one once a week. Thank you and bye biatches

That Goddamn Witcher (geralt x jaskier)Where stories live. Discover now