ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ ᖴIᐯE

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                        ~One Month Later~
I sat under the big tree staring at the little ones play, it's been a month and no progress has been made, I've gotten to know everybody else except the main group I need to get to know, and to add on to that mom is always on my butt about this,I sigh in frustration. I lean my head against the tree and close my eyes, maybe I should just go back, it's clear I can't do the job, yea that's it I'll just back to headquarters and maybe they can find someone else to do this. My thoughts were interrupted from shadow figures standing over me, I look to see Emma, Norman, Ray, Gilda, and Don standing there looking down on me. I raise an eyebrow

"Um hi?" I say confused to why there here, for the past month they stayed away from me and wouldn't let me come near them, so why now are they coming up to me

"Hey" Emma says cheerfully, she then takes a seat beside me, the others do the same, now I was really confused

"Is there something you need?" I ask, nobody answered they just stared, so I stared back

"We've been watching you for the past month Saki" Norman finally says, I look at him, so that's what they've been doing, they were just observing

"Um watching me?" I say pretending to sound confused

"Yes...we didn't trust you in the beginning,but we think we can trust you now" Emma says, I can't let them know I know the secret

"Why couldn't you trust me?" I ask

"You know exactly why, so don't play dumb" Don says irritatedly

"What Don meant to say was, it's just you came here out of nowhere and were use to seeing babies,not um 11 year olds" Emma states

"Is that so" I say

"Yeah...but now we think we can trust you" she adds, I smile

"But you'll need to stay away from Mom" Gilda says

"she's not good" Emma says, then they all started to explain about how when we leave we get killed, basically everything I already knew, I played along pretending to be surprised

"Wow...so your saying that once were 12 we die?" I ask, they all nod

"But Saki, you said that your last family couldn't take care of you...but we know that we don't get family's we die, so why did you say that?" Don ask, Damn it, I wasn't prepared for that question, what am I suppose to say, I stay quiet, but I knew I couldn't stay quiet for long or they'd get suspicious, so I said the only thing I could think of

"I don't know, to be honest I don't remember my family either, everytime I try to remember there faces, it's comes out as a blur, like-" I was cut off

"Like they never existed" Ray says, I look at him surprised he talked

"Yea" I say quietly

"Well I hate to tell you Saki but...I think the demons did something to your head to make you think that" Norman says, I look down, technically I wasn't lying, before I was a demon i did have a family but....things happened...and after that the demons made me into one of them and blurred out memories of my old family, I was able to keep some and sometimes a certain thing will bring a flashback and also bring a memory back. I could see that Emma lightly shoved Norman

"What Norman meant to say was that maybe they had something to do with you memories maybe they didn't" she says, I look at her and smile slightly

"Yea maybe" I say trailing off, Emma claps her hands together

"Hey!, how about we go to the library!" She says, I nod, and the rest agree. We get up and start walking towards the house, we walk inside and start heading to the library but soon was stop by the devil herself

"Saki a word please" Mom says smiling at us, I was about to go but Ray grabs my hand pulling me behind him

"Sorry Mom but we were just heading to the library to study for the next test" Ray says giving her a smile, Mom stares at us and we stare back, but something was off the aura was dark and dangerous, I look to see that the others weren't staring at her...they were glaring, even Emma, as if they were saying 'your not getting her', Mom's smile fades as a sick twisted look appears on her face, and her attention turns towards me

"Saki~, you want to come with me don't you?" She ask, I gulp, I just gain there trust and I don't need to lose it, but for some reason it wasn't just that, they were protecting me from her and for some reason I felt safe around them

"No" I whisper softly, Mom tilts her head

"What was that" she giggles

"I wanna go with them to the library"I say grabbing onto Ray's arm, she glares at me and my grip on his arm tightens, then something popped in my head, am I scared?, i thought the demons said that becoming this takes away any emotion especially fear and happiness, so why am I experiencing fear, I shake my head and quickly let go of Ray's arm, I close my eyes and walk up to mom, she looks down at me, I open my eyes and look at her, her whole expression changes once she sees my eyes changed

"Sorry mom but I'd rather go with them, and if you have a problem then you could always speak with boss" I say, she backs up a bit, then clears her throat putting back on that fake smile I hate so much

"Of course, have fun" she says patting my head, I let out a low growl and she quickly pulls her hand away, from downstairs we could hear one of the babies crying,

"Better go check on them Mom" I say, she walks past us and to the babies room, I sigh and my eyes go back to normal, I turn to look at the others, "Let's go" I say smiling, they stare at me, I tilt my head confused, "what?" I ask

"Uhm, Nothing!, lets go!" Emma says grabbing my hand and dragging me to the library, I still wasn't use to having me hand held but I think I could get use to it.

Sorry for the very late update (~_~;)

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