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"SAKI!!!" One of the guards yell as I run down the hall. I laugh as he attempts to catch me but I'm way faster than him, when I thought I was safe I felt something long and slimy wrap around my torso, then next thing you know I was pulled back and facing the demon that was chasing me. I look down to see his tongue was wrapped around me, I would be grossed out if this wasn't the first time he has done this, he looks at me with a mad glare, I giggle

"Looks like you caught me" I say as I fake being sad, he growls in irritation

"If only I could snap that damn neck of yours" he says

"You know you love me" I say smiling, he sighs

"The boss wants to see you" he says as he carries me with his tongue to headquarters base, I groan

"I don't wanna see him, I'm still mad that he wouldn't let me get any candy" I whine

"Stop being a baby he has a job for you" the demon says as we turn down a hall, my eyes light up

"Wait really?!" I say excitedly, the boss never lets me go anywhere but headquarters, he won't even let me outside the only time I go outside is when humans from outside come so hearing this is the best news since i turned 13.

"Yes, but don't tell him I told you that, I wasn't suppose to tell you" he says as we stop in front of two large doors,

"Ok" I say as he sets me on my feet, he then opens the doors and I walk in. There was a bunch of demons all of them look different, but there was one demon that stood out which was the boss, none of them ever told me there names shoot I don't even think they have names so I named them myself, the one that brought me here was Fang since he has a bunch of teeth

"Ah 91404 nice to see you" he says and motioned me to come to him, I made my way over to him and stop a few inches from him, me and the boss really don't get along but at the same time we do

"Boss last time I check I was given a name when I went to a house" I say with a smile on my face, he lets out a low growl then clears his throat

"My apologies, Saki it's nice to see you" he says trying to not sound to aggravated

"Much better, now what is it you want, oh wait let me guess your letting me see the outside world" I say, then everybody at the table burst out into laughter, clench my jaw

"That was a funny joke Saki" Scales says, I roll my eyes

"Oh shut up lizard man" I say very annoyed with them all, Scales growls at me and I growl back

"Enough!" Boss growls, we both shut our mouths " Now Saki, I have a very important job for you" he says as he takes the red flower he is holding and puts it in my hair, I smile as I could smell the sweet flower

"And what would this important job be?" I ask raising an eyebrow

"I'll show you, 73584 you can come out now" Boss says, my expression turned confused, I turn to see a women with black hair and violet eyes walk in the room, she had on the uniforms made for moms so I'm guessing she's a mother, "Saki I want you to meet 73584 or Isabella, she is the mother of unit 13" he says, I stare at her and she gives me a smile

"Hello Saki it's nice to meet you" she says sweetly, I growl

"Drop the fake act it's annoying" I say coldly and her smile turned into a twisted smile and she had this insane look in her eyes

"My my you are a smart little girl" she says, I roll my eyes, then turn to boss

"Can I eat her she annoys me" I say, he sighs

"No and don't try to, anyways you'll be staying with her and her family unit" he says

"WHAT!!!" I yell, I didn't know weather to be happy that I get to see other kids again or upset because I'd have to call her mom

"Don't get the wrong idea Saki, your going there as a spy" he says, I raise an eyebrow

"A spy?" I repeat

"Yes, a few of my children found out about the secret, I already have a spy but I really don't trust him so I need one that I know won't work with them" Isabella says

"And my I question how they found out" I ask crossing my arms

"Saki that's enough" boss says, I get quiet "oh and Isabella you'll be having some help" he adds

"Wait what?" Isabella says

"18684 come on" boss says, and a lady with curly black hair walks in she to had on a mom uniform "This is sister Krone and she will be helping you out and also will be another extra pair of eyes for you" he said, Sister Krone gives us a smile

"Hello there Saki, Isabella, it's gonna be a pleasure working with you" she says in a kinda sweet voice

"Sir I don't think this is neces-" Isabella was cut off

"This is not up for discussion!" Boss tells as he slams his clawed hand on the table, Isabella jumps then looks down

"My apologies" she says quietly, then one of the new guards I didn't name yet walked in with a small baby with orange hair and blue eyes. Isabella takes the baby from him and holds it "We should be on our way" she says looking at me and Krone, we both nod. We all walk to the exit

"Oh and Saki remember what you were sent there for don't go getting attached now" the boss says, I stop and look at him

"I don't plan to" i say and with that we walk out of headquarters

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