Into The Future

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Rose woke up, lying on the sofa in Joker's airship.

She sat up and saw the other thieves, who were all relieved to see that she was okay.

Rose: What happened?

Arsené: You were unconscious, from using your powers too much, but it's fine now!

Then, Rose remembered it.

Rose: Wait! Where's Akai?!

Joker: We don't know!

Rose was really sad now..........

Does that mean, the crystals could control him again?

Chibi: We're all very sorry, Rose!

Aura: But don't worry! If we can find the other pieces, everything will be alright again!!

Rose: *nods* Okay..............

Arsené: There's only one piece left!

Everyone else: Huh?

Arsené: Look!
The purple-haired phantom thief showed the three pieces which they already had, to the other thieves.

They were glowing very, very bright.

Arsené: The pieces are glowing brighter than ever before! They are only missing one last piece!

Chibi: And that piece would be where?

Arsené: I dunno!

Everyone: *facepalm*

Suddenly, Rose remembered the picture that came to her mind, before.

That picture of the two little boys, stealing a small, red crystal.

And the hoarding, she saw there.........

The year was.............


Rose: I think I know where it is!!

(Meanwhile, with Akai)

Akai was standing on a roof, looking at the moon.

He was back in his human form, now.

Akai: Rose......... I'm sorry.......... I brought you in such danger.............

Suddenly, the two crystals that he had in his hands, glowed very bright.

Akai: Huh?

Than, the voice from the first time this has happened, came back.

???: The last crystal is 20 years in the future! Go and find it.........

Akai's eyes turned blood-red again.

He held one of the crystals into the light of the moon and then, he disappeared in a bright, red light.

(Back at the sky Joker)

Arsené: So when you were unconscious, you saw the future, where two little boys stole a crystal that looked like a piece of the Lost Gem?

Rose: Yes.

Aura: But how's that even possible?

Arsené: It must be cause of both the time crossing connection between the pieces of the Lost Gem and Rose's time powers!

Aura: Oooooooooh! Now I get it!

Chibi: So the last piece of the Lost Gem is 20 years in the future?

Arsené: Correct!

Joker: So you're saying we're gonna do a time-travel?

Shadow: Again?!

Aura: Aw, yay! I never did a time-travel with you guys!

Shadow: This is so gonna suck! Can't me and Rose wait here for you guys?

Rose: Big brother! We have to do this!

Chibi: We have to save Akai!

Shadow: He kidnapped Rose!

Chibi: And~ he saved her life, just now!


Aura: Ooooooooooo~🤭!

Joker: Gyahahaha! A little girl defeated you in a war of words!

Shadow: Shut up!

Queen: And how exactly will we be able to travel into the future?

Arsené: Easy! The same way as I did! With the crystals!

Joker: Alright then! Let's go!

Arsené: Good! Take each other by the hands!

Everyone: Okay!

They all took each other by the hands, forming a circle around the purple thief.

Arsené: Alright then! To the 20th of November! The year 2036!

Arsené held one the crystals into the air and they all disappeared in a bright, red light.


When Joker and the others opened their eyes, they were no longer in the Sky Joker.

They were standing on a building and it was in the middle of the night.

Aura: Are we really in the future?

Arsené: Yes! The 20th November 2036!

Joker: Alright then! Time to make a future miracle!!

Everyone: Yes!


To be continued...............

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