The Next Step

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It was night-time now!

Joker and the other thieves were disguised as police officers and were walking to the room where the piece of the Lost Gem was!


Aura: Do we have to dress up as police officers? That's like the oldest trick in the world!

Joker: Do you have any better idea?

Aura: No............

When they arrived at the room, they went inside and saw the crystal, inside a glass case.

Joker: There it is!

Chibi: Great!

Aura: Does that mean that we can take off those disguises now?

Queen: Be patient, Aura!

Aura: Patience is one of the few things that I either don't have or can't get!!

Roko: Huh? What does she mean by that, Chibi?

Chibi: Ya know, there are only a few things that princesses can't get!

Roko: Oh! Right!

Aura: Yeah, how do think we got our hideout and all that?

Chibi: Our weekly poket money is enough to buy at least three yachts!

Aura: Wait! Why haven't we bought any yachts yet?!

Chibi: Right!

Shadow: Hey! Focus!

Aura: Okay........!

Chibi: Fine.......!

Joker approached the crystal, but suddenly everything turned purple and he and the other thieves were unable to move.

Joker: {Huh?}

Aura: {What the?}

Shadow: {Is that..............?}

Suddenly, the doors opened.

Rose: There it is!

Akai: Are you sure of this, Rose? Shadow does have a reason for forbidding you to use your powers!

Rose: He'll never know!

Aura: {Rose? Akai?}

Joker: {What are they doing here?}

Spade: {Is Akai no longer possessed?}

Shadow: {Rose.......!}

Arsené: {We've gotta get out of here!}

Rose and Akai walked to the glass case, but then Rose noticed a sweet smell.

It was familiar..............

A combination of many flavors at once. The smell was so intense that it wasn't so hard to tell the many flavors.

Rose: Hey....... Do you recognize this smell?

Akai: Yeah.......... It smells like a mixture of pineapple, cutton candy, chocolate and frosting.

That's when Rose remembered it. There's only one person who can smell like this.

Rose: Chibi!!

Rose was so shocked that her spell accidentally wore off and the others could move freely again.

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