The Return Of The Time Crossing Phantom Thief

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The others were all in the Sky Joker, waiting for Joker to wake up.
Joker was lying unconscious in his bed, right now.

His friends were sitting in one of the many rooms in the airship, thinking about everything that has happened back at the museum.

Spade: What on earth is going on with Akai?

Shadow: It's probably because of that cristal!

Aura: In that case, wouldn't it get even worse now that he's got two of those?

Chibi: And I wouldn't be surprised, if there are more than just two crystals!

Aura: Which he'll probably go after as well!

Queen: Which means that we have a big problem!

Hachi couldn't stand that negative atmosphere, so he thought of a plan.

Hachi: Hey! Don't be sad everyone! It wouldn't help us either! Hey! I know! There's still much curry left from today at the morning! Should I warm it up and than we can all eat together?

Rose: Sounds great! Right big brother?

Rose turned to Shadow.

Shadow: Well........ Okay than!

Spade: Okay!

Queen: Fine with me.

Aura: Yeah! Go on!

Hachi nodded and made his way to the kitchen.

Chibi: Hey! How about we tell Joker that Hachi is making some curry? Maybe than he'll wake up!

Aura: Chibi....... No jokes right now! Please!

Chibi: What joke?

Everyone else was about to face-palm, but then they heard Hachi yelling.

They quickly got up and ran to the kitchen.
When they entered the kitchen, Hachi stood there, shaking in shock and fear.
Than they saw why and were also shocked to see who was sitting at the dining table, eating some of the leftover curry.


Everyone: ARSENÉ?!?!?!

Arsené: Oh! Hey everyone!

Everyone was immediately pointing their weapons at him.

Arsené got up from his seat and slowly approached the others.

Arsené: Hey! Don't worry! I'm not your enemy! I'm here to help you!

Shadow: Why in the world should we ever trust you?!

Arsené: I don't expect you to. But I beg you to!

Aura: What do you want to help us with?

Arsené: Well, Actually......
I don't know!

Everyone else: *Face palm* YOU DON'T KNOW?!!!

Arsené: It's...... Kind of a long story. But.......
Has anything strange happened lately?

Everyone looked at each other.

Queen: Well........

(After explaining everything)

Arsené: So...... He found a red crystal and than it all stared.....

Arsené didn't show it, but he was shocked like hell!

The purple haired phantom thief reached into his pocket and got something out.
It was a rather small object.

When he showed it to the others, they were really shocked.
And unlike Arsené, they did show it!

What Arsené was holding in his hand was the same crystal, that Akai was going after, back at the museum!

Arsené: Was it something like this?

Shadow: Th-that is......

Arsené: I'll take that as a 'yes'.

Aura: But..... Where did you.......?

Arsené: Remember when Joker used the Lost Gem?

Spade: How could we forget that?!
You kidnapped, brainwashed and forced us to fight our friend!

Arsené: That's not it! The thing is that after he used it, the Lost Gem got split into several pieces!
One of those pieces fell into my timeline!
The two crystals, your friend was after, are another two of these pieces!

Chibi: But why's he going after them in the first place? And didn't hesitate to kill us!?

Arsené: The crystals are trying to reassemble again! They are corrupting your friend, so that he would find and reunite them!

Queen: But how do you know about all of this?

Arsené: Since I found this piece of the Lost Gem, I have really strange nightmares every night!
Those nightmares have shown me everything!

Aura: But I still have a question! :
How did you get back into this timeline?

Arsené: I used the piece of the Lost Gem! But because it is such a small piece, it has only got enough power to work once. So I won't be able to get back into my own timeline!
At least not without the Lost Gem!

Chibi: But than, shouldn't we just let Akai get the other pieces and then we can just steal the completed Gem?

Than, Aura and Shadow both hit Chibi on the head.
Chibi rubbed her head in pain.

Chibi: Owie!

Shadow: Are you crazy?!

Aura: Who knows what it could do to him!? Or what he could do to other people?!

Chibi: Well..... Good point.

Arsené: So? What do you say?

They all looked at each other.

Spade: *sigh* Fine! But only because we want to save our friend!

Suddenly, Hosshi stormed into the room.

Hachi: Hosshi? What's up?

Hosshi pulled Hachi by his blue ninja suit.

Queen: What's up with him?

Chibi kneeled down to Hosshi.

Chibi: Do you want us to follow you?

Hosshi nodded and quickly jumped out of the room, leading the others to Joker's bed room.

When they entered his room, Joker was awake again.
Hachi was so happy that he was crying.

Hachi: Mr. Joker!

Joker: Hachi..... It's fine! No need to cry- What?! What on earth is HE doing here?! And how come you guys are so calm about this?!

They realized that Joker noticed Arsené, standing there, with the others.

Aura: Well............

To be continued..........

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