"That I cannot." he smiled, "Happy name-day, sister."

She pulled him into a hug, "Happy name-day, brother." They released and she slid off the bed, "Now, I am going to go back to bed and leave you to do the same."

"Wait," he got up to retrieve something from his desk, "I might as well give you this now." he handed the simply wrapped item over. She hesitated to pull on the string, "Well, what are you waiting for? Open it." Excitement shown in his dark eyes. She pulled the string and tugged the parchment off the package to reveal a light blue book with a lightning bolt on the cover, "Do you have any idea how hard it was to find something you hadn't already read?" He jested

"Thank you, Jon." She pulled him close once again. "What is it about?" She skimmed through the pages

"Some boy wizard, and a school of sorcery."

"That ought to be a good read. I'll give you your present later, I still have a few touches that need finishing." She walked out of the room and back to her own only to find Arya sat in her bed, "I thought I told you to go back to your room."

"When have I been known to listen?" She smirked, "I left a note, so Beth won't be worrying about me."

"Smart thinking."

"You're not going to send me away?"

Raven shook her head, "You're here now, how about a story?" She waved her new book in the air. The younger girl nods her head eagerly.

The two settled under the furs. Raven opened to the first page, "Lord and Lady Dursley of Privet Castle were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much."


Raven's POV

"Mornin' Raven!" Jacline's thick accent filled the room. "I see we've got a visitor today. Does Beth know she's 'ere?" Sunlight assaulted my eyes as she yanked open the curtains.

I ran my hand over my eyes trying to rub the remnants of sleep out, "Aye, Jack, Arya left her a note."

"Well, now it's time to rouse the little one and send 'er off." I complied, waking Arya and sending her back to her own room, before getting ready for the day. "By the way, happy name-day, my friend," Jacline told me, after I had gotten dressed

"Thank you, Jackie," I pulled her close, "It's already been an eventful one, I can tell you that."

"And you can tell me all about it," She hooked her arm through mine, "on the way to break our fast."


Winterfell's Great Hall

"Name-days are strange," I noted upon sitting with my siblings (and Theon), well most of them. Robb still had yet to arrive

"How so?" Theon inquired

"For one day a year, everyone is nice. Then the next day they go right back to either hating you or pretending you don't exist."

"Speaking of which," He dug around in the pocket of his tunic, retrieving and small wooden object, "happy name-day, Snow." he handed it over

Upon further inspection, I noted it was carved in the shape of a kraken. I laughed lightly. "Of course. Still so full of that Iron Born pride." I poked fun, "It's lovely Theon. Thank you."

"Don't go thinking too far into this. It's just some scrap wood I found when I had nothing better to do." (2)

"Sure, Greyjoy." 

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