Revealing of Powers

Start from the beginning

I had only been sitting for a minute or two when James can over to see me.

'Hey Sami, don't suppose you have seen Gwen or Tommy anywhere? They've been calling me all morning and I said I'd meet them at lunch.'

'Sorry I haven't seen either of them, but you can join me here while you wait if you want to.'

I posed it more as a question, and sort of hoped he would decline seeing as I couldn't be bothered socialising. It way too much effort. I was in a good mood after my business test, seeing as I could hear the answers in my head, and I didn't want my mood to be ruined by having to spend time with people. Plus, I barely knew him, having only spoken to him at the chemistry tutor.

'Ok, thanks.'

Brilliant. Bye bye peaceful lunch to myself, hello awkward lunch with someone I don't know. Isn't this just a fabulous day.

He was frowning at his phone screen when Blair came over to join us. I sighed internally since I knew him slightly better than James.

'Hey guys, do you mind if I joined you?'

Instead of waiting politely for an answer, he dumped his bag down on the floor and sat down before I had even had a chance to open my mouth. Quite rude.

I turned around to face him properly, making sure to wipe the sulk off of my face beforehand.

'Hey where are your glasses?' James spoke from across the table.

'Oh, I was at the opticians this morning, they said I didn't need them anymore. Also this is going to sound crazy, but I was going to ask if-'

He didn't get a chance to finish since Tommy had came up behind James and noisily sat down next to him.

'Glad to see you made it into school.'

James laughed nervously before replying.

'Yeah, well I told you I was at the dentist.'

Tommy nodded in reply, clearly not believing a word of it. We sat in an awkward silence for a few second before Blair opened his mouth, most likely to continue his previous question, but alas, it was cut off again, this time by James shouting to Gwen who was across the room with Stevie.

She was rambling on about something with Stevie nodding along at appropriate intervals. Despite her good timing, it was clear she wasn't properly paying attention, she was staring off into the distance, deep in her own thoughts.

It took a few tries for James to get her attention, but when he eventually did Gwen came bounding over with Stevie trailing quietly behind her.

'Hey, where on Earth were you this morning? Didn't you get my messages?'

I rolled my eyes. Calm down girl, you don't need to know where he is 24/7.

'I was at the dentist this morning, sorry I forgot to mention it. I did call you back earlier.'

Upon hearing this she whipped out her phone from her pocket and consulted the screen.

'Aw sorry,it was on silent.'

'It's fine.'

Blair's PoV
I shook my head internally at Gwen. Did she really need to know of James' every move.

I cleared my throat to get everyone's attention, and when I was satisfied I had just that, I asked what I had been intending to ask earlier.

'Anyway, as I was saying earlier, I have a question, but it's going to sound really weird'

Everyone looked at me expectantly, so I took a deep breath and continued.

'Did any of you guys wake up with like... really weird abilities? It's just, I woke up not only with perfect eye sight, but I can sort of zoom in and out on things as well.'

Everyone looked at me, stunned.

'You know what, just forg-'

I was cut off for the third time today, but this time I didn't mind, it was the most relieving response ever.'

'I can bend light!'

'I can control my hair!'

'I can use my hands as magnets!'

'I can hear things in my head that I'd heard before without even paying attention!'

'I can turn invisible!'

Ok, I did hear all that, but in one big jumble of a sentence, with everyone speaking at once, but I thought it would be easier for you, fellow reader, if I took the liberty to separate it all for you.

We must have stared at each other for a solid five minutes, simply trying to take in and process everything that had been said.

It was Stevie who eventually broke the silence.

'Does anyone have any idea how this has happened?'

We collectively shook our heads in response.

'I wonder why, I mean there must be some reason for it.'

We all pondered this, each creating our own crazy reasons. She was right though, there must be a reason, and we were determined to find out.

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