𝟐𝟖. 𝐂 𝐀 𝐍 𝐃 𝐘 𝐏𝐓 𝟐.

Start from the beginning

Tristan cursed loudly when the fire alarm went off very loudly. He stepped onto a chair and fiddled with the box but it wouldn't shut off even after at least a minute of trying so the blonde just took the whole thing from the wall. But even in his hand the small white device kept beeping very loudly so without further thought he threw it into the sink that was still filled with water. The device immediately went quiet and Tristan let out a sigh of relief. "What did you burn down?" A voice cut through the heavenly silence and Tristan jumped in surprise. Brad was standing in the doorway, his eyes still filled with sleep. "Ah fuck sorry, did that stupid thing wake you?" Tristan asked and the brunette shrugged. "More like your swearing." He said and the blonde groaned. "I wanted to make breakfast but I was so lost in thought I let it burn down completely..."
He mumbled and scratched the back of his head. Brad raised his eyebrows in surprise. "What had you thinking so hard?" He asked and the older male swallowed thickly before turning towards the stove and turning it off, placing the pan with burned eggs to the side. "I was thinking about our situation and what to do next actually." He said and turned to Brad who blinked at him expectantly.
"I need you to go back to him." At that statement, all color drained from Brad's face as his eyebrows furrowed slightly. His bottom lip quivered as he took a small step back. "Let me explain-" Tristan started but Brad had already left the kitchen. "Brad wait." The blonde called behind him but the brunette didn't listen. Tristan grabbed the smaller boys wrist and forced him to stop. "Brad listen-" But he was cut off by the brunette turning around with tears in his eyes. "You said you would protect me. You said you'd never let him hurt me again and now you're making me go back? What the fuck do you want to explain huh? How I'm too much of a burden so you're just going to bring me back there? I should have never trusted you." He spat and Tristan kept silent for a second before explaining himself. "I want you to go back so we can record evidence. I know it's not the best but we need the evidence or no police here will believe you. He's a federal prosecutor, he will make the police believe you're crazy and possibly bring you behind bars instead of him okay? We need the evidence." Tristan spoke and Brad stared at him, his lip was still quivering and a tear ran down his rosey cheek. The blonde wiped the tear away and held their eye contact strongly. "I know it dangerous but afterwards you will be free.
You'll be free and never hurt again."
Brad stared at the blonde in front of him and swallowed thickly.
"Will you be there with me?" He whispered out and Tristan immediately nodded.
"Yes of course. I will be just in front of the door and as soon as it's going too far I will go in and get you out of there immediately. I promise." He whispered softly and placed his hands on Brad's wet cheeks gently, kissing his forehead. "We can do this. And afterwards I will buy you all the hot chocolate you want and then we will ride into the sunset together okay?"
He added and Brad sniffled before nodding slightly. "Okay." He whispered. The two held each other for a few minutes before pulling away carefully. "I'll call him." Brad whispered and Tristan swallowed. "Are you sure you're okay to do that right now?" He asked and the brunette took in a breath before nodding. His eyes were red and puffy but he could almost smell the freedom and he was so damn ready for it. "Give me your telephone."
The two sat down at the kitchen table, the phone pressed against Brad's ear. His hand that was holding the phone was trembling harshly as he bit his lip, fear cursing through his body.
Tristans thumb was gently rubbing circles onto the back of his hand and he took in a deep breath, trying to compose himself when he suddenly heard a voice on the other end. "Hello?" Brad's breath hitched at the deep threatening voice of his tormentor. "Hey baby it's me." He said as normal as possible and he was impressed with himself at his good acting. "Where the fuck are you?"
The voice immediately spat in response and the brunette boy flinched heavily as he bit his lip.
"I'm so sorry baby. I was at a friend's house a-and I fell asleep accidentally. I just woke up and immediately called you." He thought of his best lie and it was silent for a while. Brad was praying to whoever was listening that he was going to believe him.
"What friend?" Came the voice and Brad swallowed. "Lucy do you remember her? Her boyfriend is a friend of mine." Ashton was silent again. "Was he there?" He asked. "No he wasn't. He's on a business trip t-to London." Brad said quickly and a dark chuckle came from the other end. "You wouldn't lie to me right baby boy?" The brunette boy immediately stiffened with fear at the words muttered by the male. "No of course not. I love you." He said and saw Tristan biting his lip in the corner of his eye.
"Oh I know you do princess. But you should say it with my name for me pretty boy." Ashton said seductively and Brad felt sick. " I love you Ashton..." The brunette mumbled but immediately earned a small growl. "You know that's not my name."
Brad felt like he was going to throw up in any second now. Fear, disgust and helplessness cursed through his body. He just wanted to hang up and hide. "I love you d-daddy..." He whispered and earned a chuckle. "Good boy." He saw disgust all over Tristans face and he had never felt so ashamed in his life. "You know that I'll have to punish you when you come home right? You were naughty." Ashton said seductively and Brad shuddered in fear. "Yes of course." He whispered and his hand that was gripping the telephone turned white from his tight grip. Bile rose up in his throat as he felt sweat on his forehead.
"Then come home as soon as possible. I won't go easy on you just so you know."
Ashton said, his tone harsh and unforgiving.
"I-I will be home soon. I promise." Brad choked out. Ashton hummed. "Good boy. Now hurry up and come home." That was the last thing he said before hanging up the phone. Brad sat there with the phone still in hand as Tristan gently took it from his grip.
Silence engulfed the two as the older male expected him to say something. As nothing came even after about a minute of silence, Tristan began to talk. "Are you-" Before the blonde could finish Brad rose up from his seat and turned around, leaning over the kitchen sink and heavily throwing up. Tristan immediately got up and held the boy by his back, rubbing up and down to soothe him gently as Brad spit out the contents of his stomach. The brunette was soon done and took in deep breaths as he leaned over the sink. "Are you disgusted by me? Are you disgusted by how I let him treat me?" Brad choked out and Tristan widened his eyes. "Brad-" But he was cut off by the brunette. "Do you think I'm weak for never doing anything against it?" He asked and finally turned his head to the male behind him, tears were rolling down his face from throwing up but also from stress and sadness. "Brad, this man tormented you and abused you physically as well as mentally. You were stuck and couldn't get out. I'd never think you're weak nor pathetic. I envy your strength and bravery even. There aren't many people who would have made it that long but you never ran out of hope." Tristan said and the younger male let out a small sob as he was embraced by the taller male, crying into his shirt. "Everything will be okay my love. You will be safe soon."

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