Chapter 3:

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After lunch and the rest o your afternoon classes you waited by Zayn's car. You watched as students raced by on bikes and some headed towards the dorms. It was starting to get cold and you wished you hadn't left you jacket in the piano room. You had forgotten it there and once you came back to get it the door was locked securely. You would have to get it tomorrow. 

You saw someone familiar come out of the door ways. He was almost strutting his friends behind him. There was a blond one and one with a buzz cut. Looking up you saw Louis. He wore the blue sweater again which told you he might have been practicing again with that girl. Zayn followed behind them briefly. Waving to the blond one as he left them. 

"Hey! Ready to go home?"

He laughed 

"Ya.... I didn't know you knew the 'popular' kids"

"I don't really I'm friends with Niall the blond one" he pointed over to them.

"Oh. Okay." You sighed. "You just seemed like you didn't really like them..."

"I thought they'd be different." He nodded climbing into the passenger side of the black ford fiesta. A present from his Mom a while back.

'Why are you so interested in this 'Louis' guy anyways?" Zayn asked looking at you after you climbed into the car. Slowly you closed the door behind you and buckled yourself in. 

"Well?" Zayn said you could feel he was slightly annoyed pulling his eyes off the road to meet yours for a breif second then returning back to the road. 

"Im not" you replied ending your tone harsh leaving Zayn shaking his head the noise of the engine humming steadily along in the background. 

The drive home was filled with angst. Zayn seemed so tense. You didn't understanding why. Hadn't he just had the typical first day of school? He was making new friends spending time with his girlfriend and getting his schedule fit his every need? While you seemed to be invisible, even to your best friend. 

Once you arrived home you walked inside sitting on the couch. It was stiff, probably something new for the apartment, neither mom able to give up a couch. You pulled out your laptop, ignoring Zayn as he walked quickly up the stairs. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2012 ⏰

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