Astra winked at him, "Wouldn't you just love to know who he is?" her tone was playful, but Hector obviously didn't catch the hint as he instantly frowned.

   "So there is a boy?" he questioned. He had suddenly gotten serious and Astra began to wonder if her brother realized that he was the one to start the joke.

   She shook her head, her smile wavering slightly, "There's no boy, bub. I was just messing with you."

   "Good." Hector said with a nod, "Because I'd kill him." He threw his arm around her shoulder and led her over to the bonfire.

   Astra snorted at his statement, but otherwise didn't comment. She knew he was being serious about his threat but she couldn't bring herself to care. It wasn't like she was a virgin. She had lost that a long time ago.

   "Besides, nobody is-" Hector didn't get the chance to finish his statement as gun shots began firing. Astra covered her ears as her brother pulled her towards the house. Some people grabbed their guns and started walking towards the area the gun shots were coming from, whilst others began running for their lives.

   "It's the Romano family!" Alberto, their father, yelled as the two siblings reached the house. They ran inside and slammed the door shut behind them.

   Alberto grabbed his gun and began loading it, "Hector, I need you to take your sister and mother to the safe house."

   "No, dad, I want to help." Astra protested. She had been trained for a moment like this and she didn't want to be kept on the sidelines.

   "Not a chance." her father said, his tone let her know that it was not going to be up for discussions but she couldn't help herself.

   "I'm staying here. I was trained for this! I can fight!" Astra said. Her voice started to raise into a yell, but she couldn't get ahold of her emotions.

   Her father stopped loading his gun and faced his daughter with a glare. "You go with your brother or you will not leave this house until I'm dead."

   Astra glared back at her father, she wanted to keep arguing but somebody suddenly burst through the door they had come through. Their guns were blazing and bullets were flying everywhere.

   "Astra, Hector, go!" Iris yelled just as a bullet went straight through her stomach. Blood began soaking through her white top and her hands went to the spot in shock. She gazed at her children with tears in her eyes as she fell over and took her last breath.

   "Mom!" Astra screamed, tears gathering in her eyes. She dove behind a couch just as someone shot at her. Her hand went to her mouth in shock as she sobbed. Hector had made his way next to her and had grabbed her hand. "We need to go." he said, his voice thick with emotion. They silently crawled over into the next room, praying that the intruders wouldn't see them.

   The gun shots ceased for a moment, and then they heard their father. "You guys will pay for this!" he growled.

  "They'll be no one around left to make us pay." A man replied to him. Astra immediately identified him as Mario Romano— the head of the Romano mafia. They could hear their father groaning in pain and the sound of bones being broken filled the air.

   "Let's go. We need to find the children before they get too far." An unfamiliar feminine voice spoke. They heard footsteps reaching but they waited in the spot that they had chose to hide in. They waited for what felt like hours. Finally, Astra got up enough courage to peak over the couch. Once she did, she wished that she hadn't. Her father was laying on the ground with a knife in his stomach. She quickly ran over to him with tears in her eyes.

   "F-find..." her father gasped and took a deep breath, "Carlisle Cullen."

   "I will Dad." Astra replied as she choked on a sob. Her brother came and knelt beside her. "I love you." she told her dad.

   "I l-love you both." her father said in between his gasps for air. Suddenly his body shook and he stopped moving. His eyes rolled into the back of his head and he went limp.

   Astra screamed, "No!! No, no, no, no." she couldn't stop. Her brother grabbed her and pulled her into a tight hug as his body shook with sobs.

   That night, the two siblings lost more than just their parents. They lost their protectors and their best friends. They both were consumed with guilt, anger, and sadness from the events.

   Astra held true to her word and began trying to find Carlisle Cullen. She hardly slept and did everything in her power to locate him. She wanted to make her father proud.

   Hector took over the mafia, as his father had already trained him to take over. He ruled with an iron fist and relocated their family to America so that the Romano family couldn't find them. He prepared night and day to get his revenge. He swore he wouldn't rest until the people who took his parents were dead. He kept Astra in a safe house and wouldn't let her leave for anything. He swore it was for her own safety but Astra began to feel like it was more so because she was the only thing he had left of their parents.

   She had everything she could ever dream of in her safe house, and if she ever needed anything, her older brother would eagerly provide for her. But never being allowed out made her grow antsy and she began to feel like a prisoner who thirsted for freedom.

   One year after her parents murders, on her eighteenth birthday, Astra finally located Carlisle Cullen. That night, she took as much money as she could find and snuck out of the house. She got on a plane and headed for the one place she never thought she'd go — Forks, Washington.


Alright ! Welcome everyone to Fated! Im excited for this story, but before we continue I would like to inform you guys of a few things. This book will have mature themes. If you are uncomfortable with that, then please do not proceed.

This book is set eight years after Breaking Dawn Pt. 2. ( It is now 2020 in this Twilight world. ) Renesmee has already matured completely and has stopped aging. She appears to be the age of seventeen but in reality she has only been alive for fourteen years.

I hope you all enjoy the story! Please don't forget to vote and leave comments. I absolutely love hearing from you all 💗

- hailey

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