"I didn't do any such thing, I gave you your options and you chose to marry me" He holds on to my arm as a head rush blacks out my vision from getting up too quickly. That's when it hits me, everything that happened in my dream.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

"So all that wasn't my imagination?" I ask myself, taking a step back, could I be more humiliated?. Logan's sturdy arms holds me in place, making me more angry.

"Look I didn't know what was going through your head at that time, my father was going to sell you off and I gave you a way out. You should be thankful" I rip my arm from his grip as I look around the room trying to spot my clothes. His lips thin into a line as it dawns on him he didn't chose his last words wisely. And he is fucking right but the damage is already done.

"Thankful? Are you fucking kidding me? You saved me from one trouble only to suck me into another one" I yell, this is all his fault to start with.

"Would you rather want to be in some random part of the world while some guy fucks you in the ass?" He had the audacity to yell back at me and every cell in my brain was telling me to slap him.

"No, I'd rather be at home, away from you and your family" I groan, my head hammering with an intensity that I might pass out.

I needed to sit down but I didn't want him to see my weakness so I walked away from him, heading in the direction of what I think is the wardrobe. I try to not let the enormity of his closet or the way everything is arranged so perfectly, get to me. Without a single care in the world I pick out one of his starched white shirt and slip it on. When I return Logan watches me, arms crossed at his chest as I go to the door. I need some fresh air.

"Where the fuck are you going?" His voice is ice cold and I don't bother turning to face him as I answer. "I'm getting out of here"

"You're not going anywhere, especially not dressed like that"

"Watch me!"

"If you take one step out of this room, I'll fucking tie you to the bed, good luck going anywhere after that" His words shouldn't have scared the shit out of me but it did, only because I know the kind of man he is and what he's capable of. Most of all I know that I-shit-you-not tone of his voice. With an exasperated sigh I turn around, "What do you want from me?"

I'm trying my best not to cry and this man is really pushing me. "Sit and eat. We can talk this over like mature people. There is no need for all this yelling, not in your condition at least" He talks more calmly now but I couldn't care any less. I'm in a spot where I don't know if this is still my imagination. What if it is? 

"You don't get to order me around. I don't want to be married to you, I want out" Now I cross my arms at my chest, my usual stance for letting the other person know I'm not backing down.

"I swear to God Elle, I'm this close to spanking that ass of yours. Sit down, I won't repeat it"

I shouldn't be obeying him but just the fact that he called me by my name for the first time since we've met made me slip up and I found myself walking to the table. With a nod Logan joins me, pouring a glass of fresh orange juice and pushing a container of pills towards me. "It's for your concussion, trust me I'm not trying to drug you" He reasons when he sees me examining the bottle for its ingredients. "I don't trust anyone" I state as I shove the bottle back to him.

I take the glass of orange juice and chug it down in one go, like I've been thirsty for days. "I'm not interested in being married to you either but it's the only way I could save you. And I tried to be fair by giving you the option. Elon wanted to buy you out but  you made your own decision so you can't put that on me. We can either work this out now or my father will think of something else to do with you and this time, don't count on me to interfere"

CAPTURED BY HIM (Book I: Captured series)Where stories live. Discover now