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I laid in my bed beneath the blankets. I rolled over and my eyes throbbed. I shut them immediately. Fucking stupid window, my hands fumbled around my nightstand. My goggles weren't there, I sat up with my eyes closed and felt around for my surroundings to make it to the window. I pulled the drapes to close them and I heard a snap, and then the metal rod came crashing onto me.

"FUCK!" I shouted once I opened my eyes in shock and felt the burning of the sun and the pain in my shoulder.

Footsteps came from the living room down the hall it sounds more like only three steps were taken. The door creaked open in a rush. I heard footsteps approaching me in long strides, not like Tsu or Sero would take. I started panicking. My body reacting immediately, kicking and thrashing about trying to get untangled from the fabric. How had a villain entered my home? Jesus is this how I would be found? Dead, strangled to death with a curtain, and beaten with a metal rod? A hand grabbed my arm and I yanked it back before crawling away.

Two arms picked me up in one swoop. I was lifted straight up and my chest was pressed against pure muscles. "Careful, don't tear your stitches again." The soothing voice echoed in my ears, I knew it was Deku instantly.

I sighed in relief, "Oh hello."

He let out a burst of light laughter, "Did I startle you?" He started walking with me entrapped in his arms.

I had to keep my eyes shut to avoid the sunlight, but I'm sure he looks picturesque even if I couldn't see it. What time even was it? Surely not too late in the day, he would have left prior if it was late. Where had he even stayed? Whatever happened I don't remember much as I got stitched back up...

It was very disorienting as he took long strides before stopping. He shifted his hold on me in his arms, before gently sitting me down on a cold slick surface. I placed my palms down and ran my fingers until I felt a familiar chip in the surface, immediately recognizing that I was sitting on my kitchen counter.
"You take really big steps you know? I didn't even know if we were in the kitchen or the master bathroom!" I let out a small chuckle and felt a sting in my side from the stitches.

He let out a throaty chuckle, "Well of course you would think that I take big steps." Before I could quip back at his mockery of my height, he pulled my goggles around my head and adjusted them carefully. I figured it is best not to say it now, making a note to not make fun of his height in the future.

"Okay open them now." He was smiling softly and his hair was so fluffy looking. His face was so gentle and warm, his eyes open and glimmering with joy.
I stared at his eyes for a while looking at the little shifts of color I could see with my goggles on. I wonder what they look like in the sun without glasses? I bet that they look deeper in color and have more variety of the flecks in his irises. He looked back at me, "Are you okay?"

I snapped back, "Sorry my eyes still sting a bit."
I lied a little they did sting but he was nice to look at.
Looking around I noticed the folded blankets on the couch, the sink had no more dirty dishes, coffee was brewing in a pot. It was lovely. Never had someone who was an almost complete stranger do such a kind act. It didn't look like he had gone past the main living space though. I doubted he even knew that the door that leads to the rest of my ginormous apartment wasn't a closet.

He hit his head in realization with his palm, "Right you were in and out of consciousness last night! After I patched you up, you refused to go to bed and started fumbling about the apartment. Saying how you would be fine on your own, and- well eventually, took a bit of convincing but you finally went to bed after you opened the closet in the hall and grabbed some spare blankets."

He scratched his head and smiled, breaking eye contact. Even with my goggles tinting my vision I knew the afternoon sun was streaming through the window making him look like something from a movie.

"So why did you clean?" I asked as I was skeptical.

He blinked a few times, "Oh, I did it as a thank you of sorts. You saved my mom and helped defeat that villain. Besides, I woke up early out of habit and needed something to do." He smiled as he scratched the back of his neck. He must have a habit of doing that when he's nervous.

I raised my eyebrow, "I was just doing my job."
I crossed my arms and stayed up on the counter of my kitchen.

He shook his head then leaned back on the counter next to me, "You could have just gotten those people offshore, heck people would have understood after that building fell on you if you took a little extra time to recover, but you didn't and that saved my mom."
He let out another chuckle as he looked like a model showing off his side profile, "Honestly you are an amazing hero and I am surprised you don't live in a hero community."

I let my leg swing as I looked down at the wood floor, "Hero communities just aren't my style, having people living together like that made me feel less connected or something." I mumbled as I hugged myself. Thinking about it just reminded me of the home I used to live in. Why was he so violent? Maybe the stress and the constant reminders? I will never know.

I sighed and shook my head, "Thank you anyway, I have to get back to work though, shall I see you out?"
He shook his head, "No I can handle it, thank you though."

He waved as he walked out the door and said goodbye. I nodded as I sighed sliding off my counter. I was never expecting anything nice to occur unless I was nice first, that's how it always was. I was nice and then others were nice sometimes. Just weird for immediate niceness.

I walked over through the living room to the balcony sliding glass door and went outside. Staring down at the city traffic below.

I looked up slightly and had to look away, feeling dissatisfied with myself. Never seeing the colors of the world for their true selves. I only get to see things at night and through tinted lenses. I wonder if his hair is that dark of green in the day... My thoughts traveled to the friendly hero, it had been such a short time.

I turned around and left my balcony.


———————————————1157 words

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1157 words. I did it. I wrote more. Are ya proud pa? hahaha. none of you are my father.

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Heroes of War- Izuku X ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu