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Soon we were pulling into Shizuoka prefecture, the wind from the sea blowing through the freshly repaired city. I took a deep breath as my hair whipped around. This was where Midoryia asked me to take All Might. It was beautiful, the sun shining warming my skin, underneath the thin bodysuit. I slowed down my bike and parked as we showed up at a beach. The place was empty of people. Even at such an early morning, yet the sign by the steps said "Trash Beach".

Then why is there no trash was to be found? All Might got off the bike and I took the helmet from him and left it. The air was salty and slightly stung my cheeks. I closed my eyes and basked in the early morning sun. Even though the ocean looked green and the sand looked yellow, I knew that the beach was much prettier, but I couldn't see the colors. Everything else was amazing though. I pulled my shoes off and walked onto the beach quickly. The beach here was amazing compared to Tokyo's.

All Might walked down the beach and I followed after walking far enough to keep the water from splashing my feet. It was far too cold and too early in the day. "Izuku talks about you an awful lot, but I can see why now." I turned quickly to look at All Might. 

He had his hands in his pockets while looking out at the ocean, his messy hair blowing about. I smiled at him, "He talks about me? To you? He talks so highly of you to me." I chuckled and looked at the water. Watching it glint in the sun. He laughed, a real big one, "Oh he used to be my number one fan, but now... I think he is far more fond of you."

I dug my toes into the sand. The feeling bubbling and making my face grow red, he was a fan of me? I started playing in the sand and just couldn't resist smiling. "I highly doubt that he still keeps All Might keychains on his workout duffle bag." Soon I hesitated, "But why would he be such a fan of me? I'm not all that great, I'm not like you or him. I'm not even top twenty..."

All Might placed a hand on my shoulder, "Kid, he talks about you as though you were the coolest hero ever. He always is invested in any interview, show, magazine issue... he, may not be just a fan. He is very interested in you... he wants-"

"Well having a hug without me!" The both of us turned around as Deku came down the beach and wrapped us in a hug. All Might nearly being squeezed to death by his hug. I had to admit he was incredibly strong and very muscular. He was once again beaming with some small bruises and scratches on his face. He sat us down and I could feel the sun rising, yet today would ba cone. He began talking to All Might so I took that as a signal for me to leave.

It was getting much cooler as the wind swept across the sea. I began to walk along the beach heading back towards my bike. The sea breeze which once warmed my skin now nipped as I shivered. I picked up my pace slightly. "Note to self never leave without a jacket," I mumbled under my breath as I turned heading across the sand.

Soon a pair of big arms scooped me up and twirled me about in a tight hug. I was shocked. It made me scared and I flinched. Being lifted like that intimidated me immensely. I was tense in my shoulders but trying my hardest not to panic. I was placed on the ground quickly and I took a breath I didn't know I needed. My body shook from the act but one could easily mistake it for the cold. "I-I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." His voice was soft a gentle as Izuku held my hand trying to comfort me. "I just didn't want you to run off without thanking you."

I took in a big breath of cold air and shivered. Man was summer coming to a close quickly. I nodded my head and looked up at him. "No need to-"

"Yes, I do need to thank you. It's quite important that I do." His eyes were shining brighter than the sun with his sincerity. "I just wish I didn't scare you." I went red and removed my hands from his. They were so warm and I could tell he had been in a fight. "O-One second, you need some first aid."

He smiled and shoved his hands in his pockets, "It is okay I can get patched up later." I looked at him as he was bashful and nervous. Right he got nervous around me. He was a fan of me, of me for some reason. "Hey, I was wondering if you didn't like the new googles I know tha-" He was shuffling his shoes in the sand.

"No, I... oh it sounds stupid." I was red and I pulled the new goggles out of my pocket. I looked at them and took a deep breath. "It felt wrong for me to not include you? I know that it seems strange. It's just I never could have gotten these without you and-" 

His smile was beaming, "You waited to hang out to try them on?" I wouldn't look at him as I nodded my head. My arm folded as I covered part of my face while holding the goggles. It was embarrassing. It was stupid logic. Why did I find emotional attachment over an object?

His hand gently plucked the goggles from my hand and I looked at him. He was so warm. Everything about him was radiating joy.  "May I?"

I fumbled on my words before just closing my eyes and he giggled with excitement. He gently removed my yellow-tinted goggles and then put on my new ones. His calloused fingers brushing stray hairs and tickling my skin. The goggles were fitted and the straps pull to fit. I felt his hand graze my cheek, as he pushed the last of the stray hair out of my face. Suddenly he stopped touching me and he never said anything.

I raised a brow, "Am I okay to open them now?" He was quiet for a moment. "Y-Yeah."

I opened my eyes waiting for the light to sting my eyes and it never came. I could see clear as night. Green. What a lovely shade of green. It made my heart flutter as I touched his hair. 

"Wow, I have never seen... seen green, not this pretty of a color." I sighed as I was absorbed by the shade. I loved the color in front of me. How the bright morning sunlight shimmered upon the curls. It left me in awe.

"I think your fanboy is going to blow a gasket if you keep petting his hair." I froze and realized what I was doing. All Might was cackling as I pulled my hand away with a red face. "I-I am so sorry." I began rambling a string of apologies to Deku. "It was so rude of me, I don't know what I was thinking. Yeah, I wasn't. I should not have-"

"You think my hair is pretty?" He looked redder than I felt as I nodded my head and fiddled with my hands. I quickly bowed and went to my bike and pulled on my helmet and sped away. How could I have done such a thing? It felt like my heart was going to slam out of my chest. I just ruffled the hair of the number one pro hero. Why because I got distracted by a pretty color?!

I grumbled as I slowed my bike and took in everything. The city was beautiful, but none of it held such a lovely shade of green. The sea was like a pearl as the sun rose. I never knew the beauty of sunrises. It is the widest array of yellows and orange, with soft pinks draping the clouds to look like cotton candy. The sea was pale blue with sea frothing along small sandbanks, it was the entire scene on this chilly mid-October morning. I stopped my bike and just looked at it.
I remember when I would walk to school, the sun was never this pretty, or maybe I just didn't appreciate it yet.

1442 words.

Hey guys. Im gonna try upload a chapter everyday this week maybe... maybe. So some support would be nice. 

if you don't want to vote its fine its just nice to know that yall even enjoy this.

any complaints so far??? anything at all? 

feel like I am screaming into a void a bit but its okay I suppose. 

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