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Going out into the field when you say you aren't confident.. normally means that you should not be on the field. Mostly you think you are inadequate, but normally you just fall into the job instead of your normal acceptance. Or there is another option. You really should not be in the field.

Wild that sometimes people are tired after getting their ass handed to them. It's not a groundbreaking scientific study that you get tired after working, much less you get tired when you work four hours of overtime.

This was my 10th hour of overtime.

I swear I am going to ask Hatsume where she works. Any place that doesn't treat me like garbage would be good. Heck working independently would be better than what I am already getting. Not sure how independents are restricted from being on shift for over 12 hours at a single time when my company is making me do it right now.

West Kanju Bluv.

I made it down the street, I had no idea what Brandy meant when she said "suspicious activity" I swear if it was just some cat in an alleyway I will find Brandy's address and wake her up at 4:27 in the morning. Why did I have to get her as my representative? I already have to deal with the fucking dispatch harassing me while on the job. I can't get a break with this company. It was ridiculous she should be trying to help me. It's my job to help everyone else, her job is to help me. She sure as hell fails that role.

The streets were quiet. A few small shops were open, one in particular was a little sushi bar. I could feel my mouth watering. As soon as I get done examining the area, then I can throughly examine the menu.

Most of the alleys were dead ends, backing up to another building, or they had a tall cinderblock wall between it and the next alley. It was illuminated by the lights coming off some neon signs and some windows. The street lamps were partially working, this was near the docks by the nicer side of town. Maybe I should wait it out, nobody would take me seriously in a fight. I mainly just endured longer than the criminals. I walked back after scoping out a feel and familiarizing myself with the layout. The best place would be for me to get someone away from here and get a chase instead of a fight. Big first blow, intimidation, then they will run thinking its better which is safer for me. I'm not really up to par for a fight.

I looked at the menu sitting down on a stool at the open bar. Street vendors are some of my favorite places to eat. I would have to see if there are any good vendors by Hatsume's work.

Looking over the menu. I spotted some maki sushi that looked delicious. My mouth watering at the thought of chomping down.

The little vendor place had the prep station right st the bar, it looked clean, and their were polaroids of customers that say, "first customer" the photo was clearly very old. "New helper" with two people in it taking orders from a busy line. "Proud dad" with the owner and a small baby. It had a entire side wall dedicated to the winners of challenges, important milestones, family. One of the things I love about street vendors... they tend to really prioritize their success so they can take care of the important people in their life.

I looked at the owner. It was easy to recognize because his stature match those in the pictures.
We were the only people on the street at such an inconvenient hour, "Its a pretty nice night sir."

He didn't look at me. He kept fiddling with something behind a curtain. I couldn't get a good look at his face. "Sir? Excuse me?"

He didn't acknowledge my presence. I knocked on the wood, maybe he is def? I mean he is very much a grandfather, the picture of him and his family were so sweet. Good thing I practiced stuff like this for when my pro hero friends having temporary hearing loss and vision impairment.

Heroes of War- Izuku X ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora