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It had been two weeks. I was held up in my large apartment.

I locked all the doors.

I didn't want to go outside. I just wanted to stay in the dark. My curtains were shut tight and with duck tape sealing them to the wall. Every door was locked, front doors, balconies, bathrooms, closets, pantry even. I mean I didn't use the entire house but I wasn't using any of it at the moment. It was that time of year when it got particularly bad.

My phone started ringing one week ago so I powered it down. I could not handle it.

I didn't want him to find me. If... father found me. He liked to try and give me birthday presents and those were mainly threats, he wouldn't start those for a while at least. Thankfully the staff at this complex knows I have a restraining order on that villain. I just had to make it through this last day. He would stop trying to call me from different payphones and burners. I just had to wait it out...

I had crawled under my bed. I didn't want to leave until the wretched final day had passed. I hated this day, it was sad for too many reasons.

Mom's death.

The start of father's relentless abuse.

The time of my birthday.

I wish Hanta or Tsu had been able to stay this day. He normally gets really bad on the last day. I have never understood why he started his violence. Maybe he was always violent but I didn't know because mom tried to hide it from me? I wish he had just grieved like most people did for their dead wife, cry about it... and power through, I guess that is what people normally do.

Why couldn't he be normal?

I heard a knock on the front door. I crawled out from under my bed. My room, heck my entire house had all the lights off. I didn't need my goggles, but then maybe it would appear like I am not home... hopefully it would be a good trick.

What if it is him?

Then there was a second knock. It was soft yet it was still audible... Had my father ever knocked like that?

What am I thinking it can not be him... security would be on the way if it were. The staff downstairs had been super vigilant about it. They were even having the security cameras monitored...

I chewed on my lip as I held the key and unlocked my bedroom door, leaving it for the first time today. I could always peek outside with the chain latched. He would have to break the steel chain if he wanted to get in, either that or the metal doorframe...

It wouldn't be a first if he did though.

Damn that villain and his strength.

I stood staring at the door. Should I check to see? What if it is just Yuno or Yuki checking in on me. I mean I haven't left my apartment in two weeks after coming back. Those kids were so nice.

The knock was louder this time. I was trembling slightly, it felt like my throat was clenching shut as I reached for the handle.

"(Y/N)? Hey, are you okay?" I recognized that voice. I opened the door and peered in between the crack. I looked terrible.

"Deku?" I was a bit in shock. I had been preparing myself for the onslaught of my father's rage. "What are you doing here?"

He leaned down as he looked at me. He seemed to stress at the sight of me. I wrapped my arm around my torso while still holding onto the door, his gaze made me feel vulnerable. I wanted to curl back underneath my bed.

"A-Are... Can you open the door?" He looked sad. I hesitated. He sighed as he looked at the ground finally, his eyes were off of me. "If you aren't comfortable- I mean... I am sorry. I should not have come by- especially unannounced," he stood outside the door of my apartment with his hands fiddling while he mumbled out a string of words, "it was rude and I- it was stupid since I don't know why I just... wasn't able to reach you- I thought- dumb I am so dumb you are perfectly capable-"

I shut the door and undid the latch. He stood wide eyed as I held it open. Hiding behind the door, "I... sorry, Midoriya-kun." It was difficult for me to make eye contact with him. I mean I was wearing the same clothes since last week. I had at least showered.

Yet he was frozen in place. His face was a tad red as he stared at me. I mumbled and grabbed his wrist pulling him, "Come on in, I was worried that you were someone else."

He stumbled in and I looked outside the apartment, nothing out of the usual. I shut the door and locked it up after. "I will be right back, I was not prepared for seeing anyone today." I tried to hide my jitters with a light chuckle, but that might have made me sound even more nervous. I went back into my room and shut the door behind me. I leaned against it as I thudded the back of my head.

I am so stupid! Why did I let him in? He looked like I had just punched him in the gut that's why.

I groaned as I rubbed my face.

Fuck I am so dumb. I walked over to my closet and grabbed some clothes quickly throwing whatever on. I wasn't paying attention and quickly went to my bathroom unlocking the door.

I need to stop being so paranoid. I had nothing to worry about, I should not let fear control my life... at least my fear was reasonable. I brushed through my hair quickly and brushed my teeth. I didn't want to seem like a complete and utter disaster. I can make it just fine... I held the edge of the sink while trying to stop myself from crying.

The light tap against the doorframe of the bathroom snapped me out of it, "You know if you want me to leave I will."

I didn't make eye contact. I didn't want him to leave, it was hard to actually feel safe. He was the number one pro hero, and he was in my apartment because he wanted to check in on me. I shook my head and blinked away the tears in my eyes. "No, you are fine."

He let out a sigh as he leaned on my bathroom doorframe. "I am glad I know your house with the lights on." I forgot, he can't see in the dark. I began to apologize to him when he started laughing. He was smiling at me in the dark, he had some pink dusting his cheeks. "No need to be sorry about it, you accommodate other people all the time."

Those words made me blush. He was so considerate even when I pulled him into my dark house looking like I had came straight from a horror film. "Have you had any dinner yet?" I could see him shake his head no. I took his hand and he seemed to jump slightly with me leading him out of my room down the hall. "Great, I have some leftover rice from yesterday... I could make some chicken fried rice? I tend to make more than I need and take some to work, the interns always forget their lunches."

"Oh, I wish you worked at my company I would love to eat your food!" He let out a light chuckle.

"Oh really? You don't know if I am a good cook or not, you have never had my cooking." I nudged his shoulder as I smiled at him. I sure was enjoying looking at him. He would never know that I was looking at him. What's the harm in it right?

"Oh please, I bet you are an amazing cook since you like making food for other people." He

I pulled him around to the barstools at the kitchen counter. I gently guided him to the seat as I walked around into the kitchen. I opened my fridge and held the button to keep the light from blinding my eyes. I reached in grabbing the leftover rice and set it out. I quickly started chopping chicken.


1422 words!!! Hehehehe you have no idea when I wrote this.

neither do I the depressy time has been plaguing me for 4 weeks now.

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