XLIV. The locket

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"This is so messed up!", Phoebe kept whispering near Ava's desk. "That locket seems like it came out of a horror movie with weird porcelain dolls and creepy houses."

"I know...", Ava replied, not acknowledging her friend's presence. It was like she was talking to herself. "I think the groundskeeper was actually a good guy."

"What? Are you listening to me, Ava?"

"What would make him leave this behind? Regret?’"


"He left something he really valued. This locket is clearly old but has been well looked after, it shows whoever had it, cared a lot for it. Why give it up just to leave a warning?"

"Great question.", Phoebe sat staring at Ava, now listening to her monologue.

"The warning was meant for me... I know it was."

"Yeah, I’m pretty sure it is meant for you. You should take it to heart and be careful."

"Phoebe, how did you learn his name?"

"Uh, well, I did something I am not really proud of."

"Like what?"

"I listened in at some private meetings... Maybe spied is more accurate. I’m kind of ashamed, but I had to put some effort in if I wanted to stay updated.", Phoebe was looking at the carpet now, avoiding Ava’s gaze. She was definitely not proud of herself.

"Some mild industrial espionage?", Ava said, trying to make light of the subject. “Did you find out anything else?”

"The first time I heard his name was in a meeting about the upcoming promotion, and boy did he make enemies on that meeting... As far as I could tell, the board had already planned to bring someone up, but it wasn’t supposed to be you. When they started reading the list of the people up for the promotion, he said your name before anyone else. All hell broke loose after that, with everyone shouting and demanding to know why you."

"I'm not following, why all the rage’"

"Ava, you know, promotions are carefully selected and always one at a time. More than one newbie in an executive position can be bad. We can handle mistakes coming from one unexperienced person, but two is just bad business. So, there was another assistant the board had been grooming for the promotion, and then, your name came up."

"So, you heard the groundskeeper’s name from those angry shareholders with other plans? Now I understand some of the death glares I’ve been getting."

"I know hun, it’s harsh but don't let it get to you. You deserve this position."

"Probably. Tobias Andrews, is that right?"

"Yes, that's his name."

"We need the transcripts from the board meetings.", Ava looked determined and even a bit pissed off. Half of the company was mad at her and she couldn't even get answers from the one responsible. She needed to know what was behind her sudden promotion.

"The transcripts? Why?"

"To find the starting point of this puzzle."

"How so?"

"We need to know when Tobias Andrews first joined the party."

"The party?"

Ava smiled.

"Yeah, this is a party. And Tobias is our guest of honor. If I’m right and this locket is a clue, maybe he left some more clues for us to follow. Let’s find out when he joined as a shareholder, and maybe we’ll get to why."

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