Chapter 21: I Hate Everything About You

Start from the beginning

"Celebrating without me? Now that really is the damndest thing."

I spun around. Well, speak of the devil. "Where've you been?"

"Like you care," Damon chuckled, though I caught a serious tone in his voice. "I don't care if you kiss any other guy, but don't get all pissy with me."

My fists clenched in fury. "I WAS NOT KISSING ANYONE!"

Damon crossed his arms and laughed. "Wow, you're in a great mood.

I grabbed my bag. "See you, Lily." I started walking toward the main door, Damon was following me. Great; as if I hadn't had enough trouble tonight.

After we got outside, Damon grabbed my arm. "What the hell is your problem?"

"Oh, no problem at all. You've been gone for six days without bothering to tell me where you went. No, no, everything's great."

Damon smirked. "Counting the days 'till my return? Well, that's flattering."

"Ugh! Why do I even bother! You're such an incredible ass!"

"Incredible being the key word, sweetheart."

I rolled my eyes. "Let go of my arm."

He smiled mischievously. "No."

"Oh my God, you are so immature, let go!"

"You're the one throwing a tantrum. Who's the immature one now, hmm?"

"You're impossible!"

He had a dangerously amused look on his face. "You have no idea."

He started towing me toward his Ferrari, and I pretty much let him. "So when're you gonna tell me what your real problem is?"

Haha, I'm a lot more stubborn than that, bub, I thought. "Never."

He looked ready for the challenge. "We'll see." He opened the passenger door for me. I scowled but got in. I was going to regret that.

As soon as Damon got in, he sped away---as fast as he had the day he wanted my name. I grabbed the handle of the door, uselessly.

"Still won't talk?"

I glanced at the speedometer. "Nope."

Damon smirked gleefully, giving the car even more gas. We were going 100 MPH. Already my stomach was churning and I thought I'd either throw up or piss myself.

"Still?" Damon laughed, ready to go faster.

God, please no. Damon was probably the only person in the world that could make me talk. But telling him about Andrew....did I really like him that much? But, then again, I was damn sure he'd kill us both if I didn't say something. I didn't have to tell him about the entire thing, did I?

"Okay, okay!" I yelled. "When I was fifteen my first boyfriend was the guy every girl wanted but he liked me and I liked him." I was talking in a rush, hoping Damon wouldn't hear most of it. "He was sweet....until we had sex at this party. Then he just wanted to have sex all the time, and I was too stupid---" I gasped as Damon cut a red-light. "to refuse. I found out my friend was sleeping with him and when I tried to break up with him, he got all psycho on me." I left out the gory details, not wanting to relive that day. "So, I told my friend, she said I was just overreacting. I kept trying to break up with my boyfriend, but he'd just ignore me or get violent. I told my dad, who called the cops and had him arrested. Before he left, he told me that I would regret having him arrested and if I told anyone about what he did to me he'd kill me. I told two people and now he's out of prison and he's gonna kill me."

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