Back on Track

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The first part of this chapter is in Lydia's POV. I'll put a break (~) when it switches back to Savannah's POV.


"Mom stop. Please, just listen to me!" My mom had lost it. She read my messages about the plan; about the wedding. She didn't understand what was happening.

"Lydia, you are 19. You don't know what you're doing. I think we should just leave for a while. I have a friend you can talk to." My mom said, pulling onto the highway, Beacon Hills fading in the background.

"Mom, you know I'm doing this to help Scott and the pack. They need me for the plan. Stop the car!" I was pleading, begging, hoping she would stop.

"Lydia, you know I'm game for you helping your friends, but that Savannah, she's a bad influence." My mom practically sneered at Savannah's name.

She had never been this hostile to anyone before.

"Is it because I like her? Because she's my girlfriend?" I asked her, wanting to get answers and maybe put this behind us. 

"Savannah is a bad influence, no matter who or what she is to you. You need to see that." She just kept driving and soon the sign saying Now Leaving Beacon Hills flashed by my eyes. I just let out a breath and the tears burned in my eyes.

The plan wasn't going to happen without me. They wouldn't be able to find Dylan and stop him, all because I was gone.

"What is this?" Mom was looking ahead at the road. There seemed to be a police checkpoint. In the middle of the highway; which never happens. The closer we got I saw that the officers all had tattoos. Not tattoos, runes. My mom had rarely ever seen runes, but I knew who they were; shadowhunters. They were working to get me back!

Soon we made our way to the checkpoint and the shadowhunter, no officer, leaned into the car window. He had blond hair and blue eyes, one of the runes on his neck looked like a heightened speed rune. I had glanced over Savannah's gray book a few times. 

"License ma'am." He addressed my mom, glancing over to me. There was a brief look of recognition in his eyes as he saw me. Looking closer, he looked like Savannah's uncle, Jace. I had only seen him in photographs and briefly after her dads were taken, but I'm sure it was him.

"What's going on? I've never seen a check point on the highway. Is everything alright?" Mom looked both annoyed and concerned.

"There was a stolen vehicle reported on the highway. Ma'am, would you mind stepping out of the car." Jace gestured for my mom to step out, her license still in his hand. My mom made an exasperated face, but she complied and stepped out of the car. While Jace talked to her, I heard a knock on my window. I looked over to see a nephilim woman at my window. I slowly let down my window.

"Lydia?" She asked me, almost in a whisper. I think she is Savannah's aunt Clary; Jace's wife.

"Yes," I responded, also in a whisper.

"We're taking you back to the institute; back to Savannah." She said, opening my door. I reached in the back and grabbed my duffel that my mom had packed. I looked over to see Jace giving some kind of story to my mom, she didn't look too impressed by what he was saying.

"Officer, I assure you, I know nothing about a stolen vehicle. I'll be on my way, I need to take my daughter to get help.

I winced as I got out of the car and Clary rushed me into a car.

"Wait. Lydia! Hey, that's my daughter. What are you doing?" My mom finally realized that I wasn't in the car. Jace was holding her back as Clary started up the car and drove down the highway and took an exit that looped back to Beacon Hills.

"Sorry for the commotion." Clary apologized to me.

"I was trying to get back, so thank you for coming for me." I said, running my hands through my hair.

Soon we were passing the "Welcome to Beacon Hills" sign, and I let out a sigh.

Soon, I'll be back to her soon.


"Clary's on her way back now, she has Lydia." Bubba said hanging up his phone, Jace had just called him.

I let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding. She was coming back to us, back to me. I noticed that Dad and Bubba shared a look watching me relax.

20 minutes or so pass before there was a knock at the door. I practically ran to the door and wrenched it open. Lydia was standing there, a duffel bag in her hand; she was here. She dropped the bag and then we were in each others arms. We held each other in the doorway until she pulled back and I looked in her eyes.

"You're back." I said, running , my hand up and down her arm.

"I was trying so hard to get back to you, thanks for sending the calvary." She said with a small smile.

"I guess we're back on track," Dad said from behind me. Turned to see Bubba and him looking at us with a fond look.

"I gotta go get Jace, I'll be back later." Aunt Clary said, walking down the hall giving us a wave as she left.

I brought Lydia's bag in the door and closed it behind us.

"I guess you'll be staying here for the time being." Bubba said looking over at Lydia.

"Yes, forry for any inconvenience I caused." She apologized.

"Oh please, we love having you here and we weren't going to let go on without you." Dad said placing his hands on her shoulders and pulling her into a hug. She wrapped her arms around his middle and seemed to bask in his warmth.

"Have you eaten anything?" Dad asked Lydia, still holding her in his arms. She merely shook her head.

"Ok, how about Alec and I whip up some food and you girls go sit down." Dad said, handing Lydia off to me. It seemed that the stress of the last day had drained her. Bubba and Dad moved to the kitchen while I walked Lydia over to the couch. I laid down and soon she was laying right on top of me. Our legs tangled together and it was like she was made to lay there; she fit almost perfectly.

We laid in silence with the occasional sounds coming from the kitchen. I didn't want to disturb Lydia, who I assumed had fallen asleep.

"Sav?" She mumbled into my chest.


"Are we going to catch Dylan? What if we were wrong about this plan and it doesn't work?" She asked, moving her head so her chin was resting on my chest and we were eye to eye.

"It's going to work, we will get him and then this will all be over." 

There was another silence as I played with the longer pieces of her hair and she seemed close tp drifting off for real.

"What about my mom?" I could hear the sadness and worry in her voice.

"We can talk with her once all of this is over. She loves you, she just needs time to process. I can assure you, everything is going to work out." I kissed the top of her head. Five minutes or so went by and soon Bubba and Dad were walking over with bowls of soup.

I woke Lydia up and she sat up to let me maneuver myself into a sitting position. We sat side by side on the couch while Bubba and Dad sat on the small ottomans and we all at our soup in a comfortable silence, some conversation sporadically; but for the most part we were quiet. 

Once the soup had been finished, Lydia and I laid back down on the couch and within minutes we were both asleep.

I really hope this plan works. We need this plan to work. Dylan must be caught.

Surviving Beacon Hills (A Teen Wolf Shadowhunters Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now