Battle Scars

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I hit the floor with a loud thump. Above me, Bubba stood with his bow staff and reached down to pick up mine, which had just been ripped from my grasp.

"Where is your head today? I've done that move 3 times and you still haven't adjusted your grip." He gave me his criticism while I picked myself up. A few rogue strands of hair fell out of the clips I had pinned them back with.

"Sorry, I just want to go see Lydia." I said taking the bow staff back.

"Well, once we get through this technique you can go. Just remember me and dad are going out to dinner tonight, so you're on your own for dinner." He said as he adjusted his grip on his staff. He placed his feet firmly on the ground.

I made sure my grip was strong and stared dead ahead at my father. He gave me a slight nod and I charged forward. He deflected most of my offensive attacks. He then turned the tables, making me work on my defense. His moves were swift and agile, truly the skills of an archer and well trained shadowhunter. He was pushing me towards the back corner of the sparring room.

When my back was literally to the wall, I tried a new approach. I held the bow staff in both hands horizontally as Bubba continued to attack. I placed one foot on the wall behind me and pushed forward. His footing slipped with the unexpected force. I took the opportunity to hook the staff behind his ankle and his legs gave out from under him.

While I revelled in the victory, he took the opportunity to bring me down. I felt as the bow staff slid from my hands and suddenly I was pinned to the floor. Bubba towered over me, his knee pinning my chest as he held both bow staffs.

"I think that's enough for today. Next time you need to be more focused," he said standing and helping me up.

We were both sweaty and panting as we grabbed our bags and headed up to our wing of the institute. I quickly changed clothes and yelled a goodbye to my dads as I ran out of the institute to Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital to see Lydia.


"There's my warrior," I said walking into her room. Her strawberry blond hair was a stark contrast to the white pillows and bland hospital gown. Her mom was standing by her bed stroking her hair.

"Hey Sav," Lydia spoke. Her voice was laced with fatigue as she watched my figure come through the door.

"Hi Mrs. Martin." I said, acknowledging her presence.

"Hello Savannah. Lydia, I'll go see if they can up the dosage on the morphine." Mrs. Martin said as she walked out of the room.

After she closed the door and I heard her heels proceeding down the hall, I crossed the room to give Lydia a tender kiss on the lips. She smiled as I pulled away.

"I missed you."

"You were here all weekend, and I saw you yesterday."

"That doesn't mean I can't miss my girlfriend."

At my comment, she showed a shy grin.

"Well, I guess that's a viable excuse."

I smiled as I ran my hand through her hair. I felt her relax and lean into my touch.

"I'm happy you're here."

"I'm glad you're ok."

"Not completely," Lydia said leaning away from me. She pulled her gown to show the scar left by the demon and the surgery.

"Well, I still think you are the most beautiful girl in the world."

"Thanks," She said leaning up to kiss me.

"Besides, everyone has battle scars. Some are visible, some aren't. Trust me when I say, you look like a bad ass with that scar." I chuckled thinking about my sparring session. I realized that I was afraid of getting hurt, so I held back. I just need to be sure in myself and scars be damned.

"Battle scars are just reminders of what we get through. Don't worry, you'll definitely get through this."


Hello faithful readers. I know this chapter is short and kinda poorly written, but I just wanted to update for you all. School is kicking my butt, so updates will come slowly, but hopefully I will get some out and with some great content. Hopefully you'll decide to keep reading!! Don't forget to comment any suggestions and feel free to vote! :)

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