Training and Dinners

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The pack and I have had meetings weekly, devising a plan to go after the rogue warlock. In doing this, Bubba wanted to make sure we were all thoroughly prepared for what we may face, so he's been working with us.

"Scott, watch your foot placement. If I wanted to I could take you down right now." Bubba called across the room to Scott who was sparring with Malia. She had just gotten back from some quality time with her dad, Peter, and she was eager to go into a fight. 

Ryder and Liam were training with bow staffs and they weren't going easy on each other, which was probably better. Lydia and I were training in the art of deflecting and evading. I wanted to work on fighting without having to hurt her. So as each of us threw a punch, the other evaded. This technique essentially causes your opponent to fight themselves.

Stiles was with Dad in the observatory deck, monitoring everything happening in the training area. They wanted to take note of where we were lacking, and then use it against us so we could improve.

There was an audible snap as Ryder broke Liam's bow staff with her own. She looked over to Bubba with a shy smile, which strongly contrasted her glowing purple eyes and the presence of fire on her skin. He merely nodded and then she and Liam were off again.

The next sound that reverberated through the room was Malia slamming Scott into the floor.

"Careful Malia, we still need him for the actual battle." Lydia said looking over at the two.

"Well, that's our cue to take a break. Everyone take 10." Bubba called out as he made his way over to me.

He pulled Lydia and I over to the side while the others talked and grabbed some water and energy bars.

"What's up Mr. Lightwood-Bane?" Lydia, eyeing Bubba with suspicion.

"First, you can just call me Alec. Second, I know you two think you're being smart by hiding your relationship, but it's not smart to go into something this intense with that big of a secret." He said in a low voice. The chatter around the institute served as a mask so that Ryder, Liam, Malia, and Scott couldn't listen in on us.

"We can't exactly drop a bomb like that on them either." I said looking up at my father.

"Well, Bug, sometimes these bombs need to go off in order to move forward," he said looking at me.

"Sav, we can tell them. Let's do it over dinner tonight." Lydia said, playing with her hands.

"Are you sure? I don't want to make you do something you're not ready to do."

"Yeah, I'm ready to do this."


Everyone was able to stay for dinner, which worked well for us. They all enjoyed watching Dad bring the food to the table with his magic.

"Stop showing off," Bubba said whilst playfully slapping Dad's hip. He made this comment as Dad brought the side dishes to the table, all of which were drifting in the air above his hands.

Of all my friends, Stiles was the most engrossed in my Dad's powers. Bubba and Dad sat at either end of the table while the rest of us filled in both sides. We had extended the table to accommodate my friends, we were so used to having only 3 or 4 people.

I used the opportunity of Stiles' distraction to give him a little zap on the arm.

"Ah! What was that for?" He cried out rubbing the appendage.

"If you stared any more, you would have dried out your eyes." I said, picking up my fork.

"Enough distractions, let's eat!" Bubba said rubbing his hands together. There were no complaints, seeing as we had spent a lot of energy training today.

Dinner was full of chatter, laughter, food, and glances from my dads. While everyone was leaning back in their chairs, full and content, I decided it was time. I grabbed Lydia's hand under the table and gave her a reassuring squeeze, which she returned.

I cleared my throat gently, and soon all eyes were on me.

"Well, I- uh, I know that we have a big day coming up. I just want to thank you all for being so open to a new way of taking on this problem, but something has to be said. You all know I love being friends with you and that is because you all accepted me with open arms when I moved here- when we moved here," I looked at my dads.

"In this pack, you all communicate with each other and you're transparent about things with each other. So it's time I was transparent. For the last month or 2, I've been in a relationship with a girl here in Beacon Hills. She is amazing and beautiful and I want to share her with you, just as you shared her with me." 

I finished my sentence and looked around the table. Scott, Liam, Ryder and Malia all looked like they understood what I was implying, whereas Stiles looked about a page behind.

"So what I'm saying is that I'm dating Lydia, we're dating, she's my girlfriend. I think that covers all the ways I could have said it." I finished taking a deep breath and chuckling a little.

There was a small moment of silence before Malia made a comment.

"Oh, was your relationship supposed to be a secret?" She asked looking at the two of us.

"Yeah," Lydia said in a small voice.

"Well, it's about time you told us!" Liam exclaimed.

"Wait, you knew?!?" Dad asked.

"Yeah, Scott, Malia, and I knew first. The give away was the fact that their chemo signals have been a little skewn in the past month. They constantly smell of infatuation." Liam said looking over to us. 

Lydia had taken to hiding in my shoulder while I lightly banged my head on the table. Stiles was still processing the information before he said,

"Wait, you've known they've been dating for this long and nobody thought to inform me?"

His question was followed by an eruption of laughter. Everyone just looked at us with love and acceptance and no words were needed, they all loved the idea of us together. So the dinner ended as it had began- chatter, laughter, and now no more secrets.

Surviving Beacon Hills (A Teen Wolf Shadowhunters Crossover)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن