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Sorry for taking so long with updates. I'm a college student now so sometimes my time is a little sparse. This chapter is a look on Lydia's perspective of what happened in the previous chapter. This is from her point of view after Savannah leaves.


The wood of the door was no longer transparent. I could hear Savannah's footsteps fading as she walked away from the door. I cried, it was the only reaction my body could pull together. I cried. I screamed. I wailed. I was suffering, my chest ached at the lost. The love of my life, torn away by my mother.

I heard her come back down the stairs.

"Oh get up Lydia." She said, once my wails had simmered down to sniffles.

I took deep ragged breaths, staring at my knees. I don't remember falling to the floor, but now I was kneeling by the door. I was staring at the door, willing it to become transparent again and to see Savannah on the other side.

"Get up. Lydia, you can't just stay on the floor." My mom grabbed my arm and attempted to pull me up.

"Let go, let me go!" I yelled pulling my arm from her grasp. I stood on shaking legs as I turned to look at my mother.

"Who do you think you are yelling at?" she looked at me and a look of disdain on her face.

"I'm yelling at you. You should be happy I'm not screeching."I said walking away from her and making my way up the stairs.

My head was pounding from the crying and screaming. I could hear her following me and I tried to tune her out.

"I don't understand this reaction. You were with Jackson, you broke up, and you survived. You made a mistake and that's okay. Maybe when Jackson comes back for a visit, you two could talk." She said giving me a look.

"Mistake?" I asked, my voice shaking.

"This whole Savannah thing. She pulled you into this gay thing. You are straight, you have always been straight, and nothing will change that." She said, casually fixing her hair in my mirror.

She turned back towards me and I felt my stomach churn.

"The reason Jackson and I didn't work was because he realized he was gay. Savannah was not a mistake. She is the best thing that has happened to me in a long time. We lost Allison and Aiden and they were both so meaningful to me. You don't get to come in here and say I made a mistake. If anything I made the best choice, and you need to see that." As I was talking, I was moving forward causing my mother to back up.

Soon she was at the threshold of my door. 

"When you pull your ignorant head out of your ass, then come back and talk to me." I said before slamming the door in her face and locking it. It took a few moments before I heard her slowly walk away from the door.

The moment her footsteps faded, so did my tough act. My legs buckled and more tears came. Savannah was going to battle and I had no idea how to get to her to help. I cried out of fear for the girl I love, then I started to cry at the prospect of never seeing her again.

"She will be okay. I will be okay. We will be okay." I repeated these three sentences like a mantra.

Soon the fatigue took over and I fell asleep on the floor by my door, Savanah still in my mind.

We will be okay.


This is just a filler chapter to prepare for what's to come. This is just a little taste of the angst that is to come.

Surviving Beacon Hills (A Teen Wolf Shadowhunters Crossover)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum