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Emily: Hi, it's MissPolarGirl (Emily) here! And welcome to a Magic Animal Club: Truth or Dare book!!!

Heidi: Yo.

Emily: Oh yeah... I'm going to be co-hosting with my sister Heidi.

Heidi: By the way, Emily had to pay me to do this. I don't even like...

Emily: *interrupting nervously* Ok, let's get started! Our first truth or dare is from DragonGir...

Heidi: DragonGir? What kind of name is that?

Emily: *singing* Meshach! *clap, clap* Who has a name like that?

Heidi: *raises eyebrows*

Emily: *embarrassed* Oh... That's just a personal joke...

Heidi: From our school play... *mocking Emily* Emily's the main character!

Emily: *rolls eyes* Have to tell everyone our personal life, don't you Heidi? Anyways, I'm not the only main character, there's my three friends and the king and...

Heidi: *rolls eyes and taps a pretend watch*

Emily: Ok, DragonGir, come in!

DragonGir: *enters* Hi!

Emily: *interrupts again* My name is Daniel and I'm here to...

Heidi: Not the stupid play again!

Emily: *laughs nervously*

Heidi: So what's your dare, DragonGir?

Emily: Or truth!

DragonGir: I DARE Stampy and Sqaishey to kiss.

Emily: Ok! Call in Stampy and Sqaishey! I always love these sort of dares... Sometimes people find true love... *sighs with happiness*

*Stampy and Sqaishey appear, looking confused*

Stampy: *seeing there's an audience* Hello, everybody and welcome to a... a... *looks to Emily, Heidi and DragonGir* Um, what exactly is this?

Sqaishey: Is this the truth and dare thing you wanted us to do?

DragonGir: I dare you to kiss each other!

*Sqaishey looks at Stampy for a few seconds, but Stampy leans in and kisses her without hesitation, and then they both blush*

Emily: Awww!

Heidi: Ewww!

*Sqaishey and Stampy kiss each other again, this time longer*

Emily: *pushing them away* Get these two a room, seriously!

Heidi: *backing off* Ok, if this game is just going to be kissing, I'm outta here!

Emily: *hands Heidi a $10 note*

Heidi: Or I could just stay here. *returns to original position*

Emily: If you want to suggest a truth or a dare, comment it down below! You also can ask a truth or dare for the Magic Animal Club's friends... Such as Sqaishey!

Heidi: So see you guys, bye! *starts to walk away*

Emily: Whoa, whoa, whoa, not so fast Heidi.

Heidi: What...

Emily: I want to give a special thank you to DragonGir for giving us that amazing dare!

DragonGir: No problem!

Heidi: Can we go now?

Emily: *sighs* Fine. Go.

Heidi: *runs off*

Emily and DragonGir: *wave* Bye everyone, and remember to comment your truth and/or dares!

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