Lesson 33

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Lesson 33: Sometimes the Only Way Forward Is Through

The Liberators settled themselves in a thick grove of pines. They decided to wait till dusk to move on the castle. Between lightly frosted boughs they could see the crumbling facade of the derelict fortress. They remained silent, watching the darkened windows for signs of movement. The sun was setting at their backs, and Grielle couldn't hear a sound aside from the wind that carried away their ragged breaths.

Her heart pounded in her ears, her fingers tingling with the feeling she always got when danger was near. She flexed them and readjusted her grip on her sword, a repeated motion that settled her nerves when she knew she was going to have to pick up a blade.

Reyn and Talitha both shucked their heavy coats and weapons, carrying only their smallest of blades. Since they had the quickest feet and strongest senses, Grielle assigned them to run the perimeter of the ruins to ascertain the best point of entry.

By the time Talitha and Reyn returned, the sun had just dipped below the mountain's peak, casting the valley in shadow. They only had a little light left by which to infiltrate the castle.

"There is a large wooden door — on the southern side — the main entrance," Reyn gasped as she bent over to catch her breath.

"On the eastern side, there is a small door that must lead to the basements or barracks of some sort. It was left wide open," Talitha offered, looking largely unaffected by the run, except for a rosy tinge to her cheeks.

"Wide open you say?" Ludvig asked, scratching his jaw. "I don't like the sound of that."

"Me neither," Grielle said. It seemed too easy a way in. They wouldn't have been the first to discover this place. The ancient castle was too enticing for lovers of the dark — a corpse laden with the remnants of the Bane's Withering Magic, waiting to be scavenged by nefarious creatures. "A convenient weak spot... an open wound. It feels as if we're meant to find it. The main entrance should have a large hall on the other side. I don't want to enter the castle right into a pinch point where we can be picked off one by one."

Benedikt nodded. "I guess that leaves the front door then—" he stopped short as a long howl cut through the twilight air.

The sound made Grielle's blood run cold. She stiffened and drew her blade. "I hope that's not a fellgryll." She spat out the name.

"Never thought I'd say this, but I hope it's just wolves," Yorick said.

Grielle waved them on as they followed Reyn and Talitha to the main door. They moved quickly, scanning the woods with a healthy fear of what might be stalking them in the growing dark.


Benedikt didn't pause as his feet pounded up the crumbling stone steps to the castle's main entrance. The massive carved door in front of them bore deep scars from when some invading force had tried to get through the door. He grabbed the rusted handle of the wicket door, the smaller door set within one of the larger ones, and wrenched it open. To his surprise, it gave way—no locks. He wasn't sure if that boded well for them or not. The wood and metal made a horrible scraping noise as it dragged across the stone floor, the hinges protesting with an echoing screech.

Benedikt stepped into the darkness with blade raised, unwilling to disturb the stillness with even a breath. As his eyes adjusted to the light, he inched forward and the others followed. Grielle stayed within arm's reach. From the echo of every shuffle, every brush of fabric, Benedikt could tell they were in a very tall chamber. He could smell years of dust in the air and feel the grit of it under his feet.

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