Chapter 67: A New Era

Start from the beginning

"Come on," Merrick whines, attempting to give me puppy eyes as we walk down the corridor together, "please?"

"Merrick, not now," I sigh, and Merrick groans.

"But you look so hot when you do it," Merrick wiggles his eyebrows.

"Of course I do. I'm on fire, Merrick," I counter.

"You know that's not what I meant," Merrick pouts.

"Fine," I sigh after a few moments, relenting.

I unleash my inner power, green horns made of flames forming on my head and green angel wings made of flames forming on my back, green light flickering as the flames swirl around me and a light wind blows my bangs out of my eyes, the flames swirling around my body in the shape of a dragon moving to my arm and slithering into my palm until it becomes just a glowing ball of green flames. I close my hand and pull my arm back as if catching a ball and the flames all go out, Merrick watching with admiration.

"I really am proud of you, you know," Merrick says and I rub the back of my neck sheepishly, glancing aside and blushing.

"Thanks," I say, "I am too, but your praise means the world to me."

"Oh?" Merrick's eyes flicker mischievously. "Someone has a pr—"

I shut Merrick up by placing my hand over his mouth and his eyes shine with glee at gaining a reaction out of me.

"You're lucky that I love you," I mumble and let my hand drop away, Merrick grinning.

"Yeah, I know," Merrick sighs and moves to rest his head against my shoulder, my arm wrapping around his waist and his hand coming to rest on my chest. "I really don't know how you can put up with me. I love you so much, Sora."

"Hey, lovebirds!" Kaito shouts and walks towards us. "You're going to miss the tournament."

"Tournament?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"Sander thought it would be a good way to bring us together," Kaito explains. "He's hosting a tournament over two days, starting in an hour. You can sign up to compete, but you have to have a team. If you don't have a team, you'll be placed with others who don't have a team either. It's in teams of four. He had Nikita make some potions and schematics for us to follow to help make some improvements to the arena, so now the scenery can change based on whichever number the dial lands on. He's also hosting a dance at the end of the tournament to celebrate the beginning of a new era."

"I see..." I hum in thought.

"Do you want to do it?" Merrick asks.

"Sure, why not?" I shrug.

"You can be on a team with me and Akari," Kaito says, clearing his throat. "You know, if you want."

"Did Akari put you up to this?" I narrow my eyes in suspicion.

"," Kaito stammers, red dusting the bridge of his nose. "But I just...I know you're two of her good friends so..."

"Is this really about the tournament?" Merrick muses.

"Damnit! I hate it when you do that stupid mind reading desires trick," Kaito stomps his foot and Merrick snorts, bursting into a fit of giggles.

"I didn't have to read your mind when it was written all over your face," Merrick snickers.

"Okay," Kaito sighs and runs a hand through his hair, "look. I was thinking of asking her out on a date."

"You're her boyfriend," Merrick blinks. "What's the problem here?"

"Well, I'm not exactly sure where to take her, and you two know her pretty well, so..." Kaito rambles. "I mean, I could've asked Kit, but she would've just laughed in my face or called me stupid or thoroughly embarrassed me before deciding to help me."

"I laughed in your face," Merrick says.

"Come on, guys," Kaito groans.

"Okay, but seriously," Merrick starts. "You've known Akari for years. Think of where she likes to go, what she likes to do. I'm sure she'll love whatever you decide to do. Just a little tip, though— although I think Akari would enjoy something personally made a little more than something bought, I'd suggest getting her something she can keep. You know, as a memento of you. It's also a good idea to have it be something that she loves and also reminds her of you and her relationship with you. It doesn't have to be anything big. Maybe a necklace with both of your aura colors and her birthstone or something simple like a stuffed teddy bear."

"Merrick's right," I nod. "And definitely keep in mind the heartfelt aspect."

"Okay," Kaito nods, nervously smiling. "Yeah, I can do that. Thanks, guys."

"Alright, now let's go win this tournament," Merrick grins and drags me and Kaito off towards the arena area.

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