Chapter 24: Sliding into Victory

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"Alright. Who's ready for some sun!" Sander shouts as he stands beside me in the dispatch center and stretches his taut arms, a golden arm band around his right bicep which matches his white muscle shirt and ripped blue jeans with white flip flops, a white beanie on his head with some of his messy hair sticking out from underneath as his eyes shine brightly, his signature wooden cross bracelet still on his wrist.

"You do realize this is a mission, not a vacation. Right?" Kit sighs as she crosses her arms against her chest, showing off her salmon and white lattice styled bikini top which match the bikini bottoms that are sticking out from underneath her blue jean shorts and her white wedges that tie into bows.

"Yeah, but come on. We get to stay at the water park for two days!" Sander grins. "Sounds like fun to me. Besides, beating around monsters is always fun too."

"Until they beat you around," Shae muses as he walks over to us, wearing a black muscle shirt and grey board shorts with black converse.

"Oh, come on," Sander pouts. "When have I ever let that happen?"

"Well—" Shae, Kit, and I start.

"Okay, okay!" Sander sighs in defeat. "You weren't supposed to answer literally."

The four of us talk light heartedly together for a little while before Isabella eventually comes running up to us in a sheer white sundress with a white bikini underneath and a tan floppy beach hat on top of her head to match her tan wedges and tan belt, as well as her own signature bracelet that she usually wears.

"Sorry I'm late!" Isabella shouts as she runs and nearly trips over her own feet before she reaches us.

"You aren't late," Kit assures her.

"I know, but most of you were here before me, so I feel late," Isabella sighs.

"Nah," Sander stretches once more. "We still have to wait on Sora."

As if on queue, Sora enters the room, looking somewhat disoriented in his white v-neck, black shorts, and black vans as he runs a hand through his hair, his necklace still hidden underneath his shirt.

"Sora?" I raise a brow. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah," Sora swallows thickly and forces a smile as he approaches us, his eyes meeting mine. "I'm fine. I just didn't sleep very well last night."

"Sora!" Merrick shouts as he races into the room, making Sora whirl around so quickly that he almost falls over in the process.

"Merrick?" Sora breathes out just as Merrick collides with him and pulls him into a tight hug.

"I know," Merrick says quietly and Sora slowly raises his arms to hug him back, making Merrick squeeze him tighter.

"Yeah..." Sora breathes out before he smiles whenever Merrick pulls away to smile at him.

"Good luck out there," Merrick grins. "Come back in one piece, alright? I don't need an explanation right now. Sorry I wasn't in my room last night. I just slipped out to think."

"I'll try," Sora grins back before Merrick winks and walks off, his arms behind his head.

"What was that about?" Sander raises his eyebrows.

"Oh," Sora turns back to us and chuckles sheepishly as he rubs the back of his neck. "I just went to check on Merrick last night and he wasn't in his room. That's all."

"But—" Sander starts and Kit elbows him in the ribs, making me raise a brow.

"Come on," Kit sighs as Sander pouts. "Let's get going now that we're all here."

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