Chapter 67: A New Era

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After the defeat of Carmin, word spread across the globe about his death. Dustin, Kat, Sapphire, Dean, and Sekai quickly found out about Clea's death once Carmin was defeated, and the news of that also spread across the globe. We went back to Gia after defeating Carmin in order to take Clea home with us to Aria for a proper burial. I wanted to reach out to contact Clea's father, but I had no idea how to do that, and neither did Akari. Akari tried using her new abilities to locate him like Clea used to do, but she didn't and still doesn't have complete mastery over them, having just got them. Therefore, we decided we would send a letter out to all of the nations in hopes of finding him, and that Clea's body would stay preserved in a magically sealed coffin in the room designated to the Oracle in Aria.

We held funerals for Clea and Carmin in the same week, shortly after both of them died. Aster was taken into custody by Gia's temple for his crimes and Shae was taken back with us to Aria to be placed on trial. As for the fate of Aria, Kat intended to give up leadership of the academy to Gambit, which is then when word of Gambit's engagement to Sekai quickly came out as she politely declined Kat's offer. In the end, Kat ended up giving leadership to Sander, who kept attempting to refuse by claiming he wasn't ready and that he didn't deserve it, but Aikaterina and Kit both convinced him otherwise. He ended up agreeing to lead Aria as long as Kit would remain by his side and lead with him, and so now the two of them are the new leaders of Aria.

Slowly, Aria began to turn back to normal, the way it was before Carmin's twisted desires took over his state of ruling. Sander dropped the orders that Carmin made that stated nobody could leave or enter, and he slowly started resuming classes again and finding teachers for classes that were missing them. Kat ended up taking over her father's class and teaching a separate class of her own about dragon slaying and keeping balance in the world, about how there is always a give and take. Sander also placed Penelope in charge of Gambit's classes, with Gambit training her for about two weeks before she was fully instated. Gambit announced beforehand that she'd be leaving for Elvenowl with Sekai in a month, which means now she'll be leaving in just two weeks. Sekai's classes were also replaced with Sapphire being the new instructor, him training her around the same time that Gambit was training Penelope.

Miroslava and Valentine found their own places at Aria, both of them deciding to stay while Cordelia went back to Aurora. Reverence is back to being treated in the infirmary by Evory and Isabella, and they contacted Nikita to gain her help. Sander also reached out to Nikita saying that if she wanted she could freely do business with Aria again and that she wouldn't even have to leave her house or her family again because he would have picking up the shipments be an available mission for Arias to take in order to gain more field experience if they wish, and that if nobody takes the mission he'll personally go himself.

Akari has been instated as the new instructor for Patience, the room having been vacant for years and Patience's practices having been banned due to Akari's father's actions, but Sander lifted those restrictions. Despite still not having a complete hold on her abilities, either Patience or Oracle, Akari has been proving to be an excellent teacher and leader to others. In her free time, she's most been practicing on honing both of her powers and helping out students in the academy.

As for me...I've also been trying to figure out more about myself and my abilities, seeing just how far I can push myself. After taking over the academy, Sander issued a statement that Wrath would now be accepted once more and that if that went against anyone's morals they were free to leave or to stay but that if they stayed they should keep their beliefs to themselves. Only a handful of Carmin's followers left Aria, the rest glad at the liberation of the academy as a whole. Sander has asked me to instruct classes, to which I eagerly accepted. However, I myself am still learning as well.

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