Taehyung smiled brightly at that and snatched the remote from hoseok who made a face out of annoyance. Jimin snickered from Namjoon's other side and quickly wrapped his arms around the omega's waist. One of his legs came up to rest on Namjoon's thighs as he rested his head on the elder's shoulder, breathing in his scent.

Namjoon smiled and patted the back of Jimin's thighs. He smiled softly at the beta curled close to him and pressed a sweet kiss on top of his head, the faint smell of lavender and vanilla hitting his senses.

"Uh-uh. Don't fall asleep yet, jiminie. You don't wanna miss the movie", Jungkook said, emerging from the kitchen with eight ice-cream tubs, all of different flavours. He took out chocolate for namjoon since it was his favourite. Jimin grunted in acknowlegment and stole his favorite vanilla tub from the tray.

When everyone settled, hoseok started the movie, taking his place near seokjin, cuddling with him as yoongi snuggled him from behind. Everyone was snuggling with each other. Namjoon cuddled with taehyung, Jimin, and jungkook. It was a little difficult to move in that position but they somehow managed to eat little scoops from each other's Ice creams.

As the movie started, namjoon realized that hoseok had settled on the movie, Parasite, a recent hit. He smiled softly as taehyung's eyes lit up at seeing his friend on the screen.

The movie played out as they all basked in the comfort of each other, feeling warm, contrasting the freezing cold of a typical January night in Seoul. It was calm, peaceful. Namjoon was especially attentive to the movie, seemingly enamoured by the social conflicts addressed in a beautiful way.

He moved his eyes on a sleeping jimin, who seemed to be in a peaceful slumber on Namjoon's warm chest. Namjoon smiled down at the beta and pulled him closer, wanting to keep him as comfortable as possible.

He ran a hand through jungkook's hair as he drooled on his shoulder. Moving his eyes to the side, he could see yoongi and seokjin sharing little kisses over a very sleepy hoseok who whined and pouted his lips in order to steal some of their pecks.

Namjoon's smile was so bright, so endeared as he looked at taehyung who seemed to be the only one (along with namjoon) who was actually paying attention to the movie. Not that it was boring, but his boyfriends seemed to find each other a bit more interesting.

He met Taehyung's eyes from over Jungkook's head and they both grinned at each other. Namjoon leaned forward, just enough for taehyung to get the hint and lean forward as well. They kissed lightly, their smiles making it difficult to kiss properly.

Namjoon settled back into his place, content with the moment. He felt tired as the movie neared the end, everyone but taehyung and him, was asleep. The movie ended, the ending confused namjoon for a second but it didn't take him long to understand what it meant and how well it played out.

He looked around for a last time that night, eyes dripping closed. A small smile grazed his lips, dimples barely visible. For the first time in very long, he felt content, like, really content. As if he had achieved something he never thought he was capable of.

Tears blurred his closed eyes. This time, from happiness. These tears were different. He was grateful for everything. Life had been cruel for more than just a short amount of time but if meant strengthening his relationship with his lovely mates, he thought it was worth it. Not the pain, though. Never the pain.

Smiling through the tears, he allowed slumber to engulf him in the darkness of night. The white glow of the moon seeping through the sheer curtains, cloaking them all with the sheets of calm happiness.

Namjoon couldn't ask for more.


Delicates, it's officially over!! This journey with y'all have been great

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Delicates, it's officially over!! This journey with y'all have been great. There were so many roller coaster of emotions and i don't regret anything. Never thought this book would get so much love. It's pretty cliche lol.

Anyway, i loved it. And hope y'all enjoyed too!

I'll answer the Q & A tomorrow, if you have any more questions, you can always drop them on the Q & A page. You're always welcome!

Thank you.



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