chapter 15

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Chapter 15

MAYBE NATHAN IS not so horrible after all, he had managed to remarkably keep me company but that's all he's ever going to be. No man can replace Damon in my life, absolutely no one. We ate dinner in silence and thankfully for me, the rain stopped. I walked him to his car and watch him drive off after bidding him farewell.

We wouldn't be in this situation if he had been open with me when we were dating. There's no room for me to accept his love, not ever. I turn back to my entrance only to find a bouquet of flowers lying on the front door. That wasn't there a while back so who dropped it? I found the gesture sweet and scary because i didn't know if i had a stalker watching me from afar. I read the note that was carefully tucked in between the roses and relief swept through me. It's from my new neighbor.

I just moved in, this is my little way of saying you look out for me as your new neighbor. I figured you'd be in bed, i couldn't bring myself to wake you up just to deliver these flowers.

Thanks, hope to see you in the morning.


Ice? Of course, there are thousands of people who bear the name ice in the country but it didn't make me feel any better and a huge part of me just wished it was Damon. I smell the bouquet once more before making my way indoor for yet another lonely night.

THE NEXT MORNING, i didn't get up from bed until eleven when i figured i should probably hit the street and try to look for some job that can keep me busy. The jobless life is enormously frustrating. At this point i don't care if its a cashier job, i don't care about the salary, i have more than enough in my account so money is not the problem, i just need to distract myself with something else.

Opening the door, i see another bouquet and a note, either this neighbor is simply sweet or creepy. Both made my stomach knot.

So sorry i couldn't see you this morning, i planned to say hi but something urgent came up. Hope to see you this evening.


The last word trailed on my lips but i know better than to think that it could be my Ice.

I FOLLOWED CLAIRE discreetly, monitoring her whereabouts and observing from afar. I did plan to show myself this morning but being a nervous jerk, i postponed the idea until nightfall. What if she's actually pregnant for the man from the previous night? What if she's not and it was just a silly gesture on his end? No sane man would leave his pregnant wife alone at night- shit did i just say wife, she can't be married to that man- she's my wife.

I watch her come out of a grocery store with a sad sigh, i wonder what could be wrong. I don't follow her this time when she drove off, i am inquisitive to know what put her in such a foul mood. She'd been to five stores today and i wonder what she could be looking for that the town didn't have.

"Hello" i greet the old man behind the counter.

"Welcome to Rex store, what do you need?" He said, carefully putting on his glasses.

"The lady that came here a little while ago, what did she want?"

Of course, i should have known he won't just divulge information to a stranger, i remove a few dollar bills, not caring how much and tuck it beneath his rested hands on the counter.


"She needed a job and i told her i don't employ pregnant women"

What the fuck! She's actually pregnant. For that jerk? I don't even know how I'm feeling right now. Anger? pity? regret? heartbroken? Disappointed? I can't pinpoint which one is making my head spin and my chest heavy. I managed to walk out of the store, into my car and off to Claire's house. She better have a good explanation for this? But why? How did she find it so easy to replace me? I have been in misery for three months trying to bring us back together while she was quick to jump unto another man's dick. Or maybe she forgot when i said she's mine that i meant SHE'S FUCKING MINE.

I wait for her outside her building till Eight at night, it's beginning to drizzle but i don't care- fuck, i don't even care if a tornado heads my way. Deep down i am praying, praying that its all a dream and a mistake, that she'll take me back regardless of the baby. I clasp my sweaty hands together, my knuckles turn white and i am oblivious of the pain that resulted.

After what seemed like forever, i finally see her arrive in her car. When she alighted and finally saw me, i saw the shock in her eyes. She better be scared because i will scare the day out of her. But of course, i didn't do that, instead, i grip her shoulders tight and kiss her like she belongs to me, which is true. It was starting to rain heavily but i don't care, the warmth in her mouth gave me the heat i need to warm my cold temper. I grab her waist possessively and deepen the kiss, she returns the gesture far more invigorating than i expected. Oh yes, cheat on the father of your child with me- i thought to myself.

Clenching my fingers into her wet hair as we kiss, she leads me to her front door and in a blink, we were inside. I grab her head in place, my tongue searching for hers. Claire let out a groan as i grab her waist, pulling her closer to me thus crushing her breast on my hard chest.

She quickly unbuckles my pants and freed my length. I yank her thong to the side as i slam her against the wall, filling her wet core with my hardness. I yank her hair backward, thrusting deep into her.

"Why did you leave me?" Knowing she won't reply, i cease thrusting, denying her the orgasm her body craves for.

"Don't stop" she's out of breath, fuck yes, i want to be the only one that'll fuck her out of breath.

"Answer me, love, I'm a nice guy, answer my questions and i will give every nerve in your body the fuckery it yearns for." That thought further made my dick hard and I'm glad she felt it.

"I thought i was doing us a favor, you with your child and Megan"

"Why? Don't you think i have a right to choose who i want to be with?" I give her one deep thrust and then stop again.

"I'm sorry, i was selfish but now i know better"

"Know what" yes wife, tell me you miss me, that you love me, that you're still mine and i am yours. tell me that jerk means nothing to you. Tell me you miss all of me.

"I made a mistake leaving you, i love you, i never stopped loving you"

That feels good to know but how true is that? She's fucking pregnant.

"You never stopped yeah" i give her another thrust.

"Make me cum Damon, i beg you, i can't take it any longer, I'm losing my mind" she touches herself and fuck that drives me crazy.

"Why did you jump into another man's arm and get pregnant if you never stopped loving me?" I squeezed her nipples tight.

"What do you mean?"

Wow, i should have known she's going to deny this?

"I know you're pregnant and i know it's for that jerk i saw you with last night"

"Fuck you, Damon! Do you think it was easy for me to deal with all this mess? Do you think that low of me to that extent? The child is fucking yours and Nathan is my ex." She eases herself off my cock.

"I'm sorry, i didn't mean to hurt you, i was angry and i thought for a second you moved on without me"

"Get out!" She shouts

"I love you and I'm not fucking letting you go for the third time!" I'm not a man to cry but somehow, tears found their way down my eyes.

"What about Megan and her child?" She sniffles.

"Megan is not pregnant, she never was. she lied to keep us apart, the only reason why i kept up was because of her father's campaign but i don't care about that anymore, i care about you so please Claire, give us another chance"

She walked towards me and for a second i felt I'd lost.

"I love you Damon Stanford Ice and i can't live without you, i can't breathe without you, these last months have been hell and i don't wish to go through that faze again, i am yours and you are mine"

"I love you Claire Rutherford Stanford Ice, i have been a mess too, i promise to do better and keep our love safe, and be the best husband and father to our children. I love you now and forever, wifey" I gently kiss her and finally give the orgasm i had denied her.

Who would have thought? I came here to get my wife back and instead, i got her and became a father. Life is perfect.

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