"Hey Ash, look who I got." Said Lipton, gesturing to his woman.


"Oh Ash, sit I will help you." She quickly walked with aid kit to Ashley
And crouched on her right side.

"It's good to see you too, Maya. How are you doing? And Ann?" Bluefox asked, looking as her friend did her work.

"Don't worry, most of the nurses survived. You are more in danger here than we are. I should be the one worrying about you but.." she said, stopping halfway to tear a bandage.

"I know that you hate when someone is worrying about you. So I try not to." Liam chuckled nervously.

The sergeant smiled at that  "damn right. It gives me bad luck."

"How's Lipton and the others?" Asked Ash looking around the people.

"Just some major bruises. I t h i n k that one private from A company is dead? But I'm not sure." The medic responded, helping her friend to get up.

"Here, Your bow. You can use it as one of the crutches." The brown girl suggested.

Ashley just hummed in understanding.


Somehow Nix took Winters with a tank, he wanted Ashley too but with her bruises it was better for her to go with Speirs, by car, again.

The others went by trucks to our drop zone, where we had an hour to help ourself with food and other things.

While walking through the town Ashley somewhere heard laugher -girlish and boyish.

Remembering Maya, Ann and other privates who were lucky to survive.

there were also places where you could hear only screams, she thought about Eugene and his nightmares.

Ash just limped back to Ron's car and sat on the front seat, observing the burning town on the other side.

"When this is over, I'll buy myself a piece of ground and stay there the rest of my life." Dick quietly said standing next to the sergeant.

"I will probably do what I was doing before..." She replied, mostly to herself.

"Aren't you sick of that?" He asked looking at her with confusion in his eyes.

"Maybe, but it's the only thing I'm good at... Y'know I wish I could blame it on my mental illness. But probably, the truth is... I am just a horrible person, I feel like I should have never existed." She said slowly, tears falling down her cheeks.

It was too much for her.

"I want to die, so badly. I deserve this death, here, at war. But some of us don't. It's just the stupid pride of being a soldier." She added, looking her captain into eyes.

Richard just nodded at that, putting a hand on her shoulder.

Winters realized that Speirs had been there all the time, just behind.

Watching them with his deadly look patted her shoulder murmuring a goodnight and went his way, nodding at Ron.

The officer slowly sat next to Ash. Crossing his arms he put his head on her shoulder, snuggling into her a little.

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